Categoria "Criança"


Guideline for divorced parents

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

La 'Nova Normalitat: All marriages do not have a happy ending. Poques vegades, they are cases in which couples split or get divorced. Either, because of their lack of sensibility, financial status, or...

Estudis de casos

Appearance are Deceptive

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

Does ‘beautyand ‘Fairnessattract people? Introduction Today’s generation nevertheless they give priority to their lives, accord priority for ‘Selfies’. With the innovation of technology, youths are obsessed. Makeup, different...


How Do Muslims Plan for Disability

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

Families with children with disability have an extraordinary set of challenges and blessings. Disability (or special needs) is a broad term. Many disabilities will prevent what we often think of...

Vida familiar


Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

Un diagnòstic ocult i una vida de dolor Els meus pares es van casar a finals dels anys 70 a Karachi. Es van traslladar a Brooklyn, NY, on la meva mare va donar a llum...


Tot sobre Mahrs, Mahrams i Walis

Pur Matrimoni | | 1 Comenta

Allah SWT amb tota la seva saviesa ha posat una cura i protecció addicionals per a una dona a l'Islam donant als homes de la seva vida funcions i deures especials per complir....

Vida familiar

I Can’t Find Time For My Kids

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

Thanks for your concern about developing your children’s skills. It’s a continuous task and can be done in your everyday life with different activities. The whole thing with cleaning the...


Teaching Children the Five Pillars

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

TEACHING deen (religió) to our children is a huge obligation upon all parents. Generally, Muslim children begin to imitate the movements of salat (daily prayers) long before they are able to speak a word, let...


How I Found Myself In Motherhood

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

You must have heard it many times, també: how motherhood/fatherhood/parenthood changes your life perspective, how ‘me’ turns into ‘we’ and how you begin to look for your child’s face on...