Arxius mensuals: maig 2014


Consells per a mares musulmanes

Pur Matrimoni | | 1 Comenta

Ser mare és una de les experiències més grans de la vida d'una dona. But this great experience is filled with responsibilities long with a joy of getting a great...


Un pensament per als pares

Pur Matrimoni | | 1 Comenta

Your children are not your children. They are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you...


Mahr – Sheikh Musleh Khan

Pur Matrimoni | | 2 Comentaris

Pur Matrimoni... On la pràctica fa perfeccionar Voleu utilitzar aquest vídeo al vostre lloc web, bloc o butlletí? Us convidem a tornar a imprimir aquesta informació sempre que inclogueu el....


Marriage is a SchoolPoem

Pur Matrimoni | | 6 Comentaris

A delightful poem about marriage shared by Mufti Ismail Menk. “Marriage is a school where you get the certificate before you start. A school where you will never graduate. A...