Els dos tresors de l'Arsh d'Al·là
Allah SWT amb tota la seva infinita misericòrdia ha assegurat que els creients tinguin tot el que necessiten per tenir èxit en la dunya i l'akhira. We have been given...
Allah SWT amb tota la seva infinita misericòrdia ha assegurat que els creients tinguin tot el que necessiten per tenir èxit en la dunya i l'akhira. We have been given...
Ser mare és una de les experiències més grans de la vida d'una dona. But this great experience is filled with responsibilities long with a joy of getting a great...
Most people who marry do not expect their marriages to end in divorce. But what if they do? How does a person recover from a difficult marriage or a divorce?...
Pur Matrimoni... On la pràctica fa perfeccionar Voleu utilitzar aquest vídeo al vostre lloc web, bloc o butlletí? Us convidem a tornar a imprimir aquesta informació sempre que inclogueu el....
Some people asked Allah’s Messenger (va veure), "De qui l'islam és el millor? és a dir. (Who is a very good Muslim)?", va respondre, “One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands.” (Bukhari)...
“Sisters, you are the shepherds of your children! Germanes, raise your children well, for the future of the Ummah lies in your hands! Germanes, your role as mothers is the...
When the question of marriage arises, what do you look for? Let me put it another way, what do you notice first? Do you notice their wealth, their lineage, their...
I’m now in my third marriage. When people learn this fact about me, their reaction is usually pretty awkward. It’s almost as if they’re waiting for me to be embarrassed...
Your children are not your children. They are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you...
Pur Matrimoni... On la pràctica fa perfeccionar Voleu utilitzar aquest vídeo al vostre lloc web, bloc o butlletí? Us convidem a tornar a imprimir aquesta informació sempre que inclogueu el....
Abu Hurairah RA reported: I heard the Prophet SAW narrating a Hadith Qudsi in which Allah SWT has said, “I have divided Surah Fatihah into two halves between Me and...
A delightful poem about marriage shared by Mufti Ismail Menk. “Marriage is a school where you get the certificate before you start. A school where you will never graduate. A...
You are what will walk the earth of me, when I have returned to dust. So I sincerely make dua, after all my actions as a mother have been sealed...
The month of Rajab is now upon us and has been mentioned by Allah as one of the four sacred months. Al·là diu a l'Alcorà: “De veritat, the number of...