Arxius mensuals: gener 2020


Tenim prou fets per entrar a Jannah?

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

La 'Nova Normalitat: Tots som feliços, entusiastes amb la nostra vida mundana. Tots podem pregar cinc vegades al dia. Alguns poden pregar a temps, però pocs potser no. Few may repent...


How Pride destroys a marriage?

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

La 'Nova Normalitat: Prophet Muhammad Salah Alayhi wa SallamHe who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride shall not enter paradise,”- Sahih Muslim 91. He also...


A guide to muslim women- Backbiting

Pur Matrimoni | | 0 Comentaris

La 'Nova Normalitat: Backbiting – “malicious rumour about someone who is not present”. If a person backbites, on the contrary, he/she is eating his/her deceased brother’s meat. Allah says in the Holy...