Categoría "Antes de dicir "eu""

Antes de dicir "eu"

Prevención da relación moza-mozo

Puro Matrimonio | | 111 fixo cando ofreceu a súa filla Hafsah en matrimonio con Abu Bakr e 'Uthmaan

Zina (fornication) has become a common place occurrence within the Muslim Youth community, and the Muslim girls and boys have sadly fallen prey to the snares of Western society. You...

Antes de dicir "eu"

Relacións antes do matrimonio: Cal é o punto de vista da relixión [prematrimonial] relacións?

Puro Matrimonio | | 10 fixo cando ofreceu a súa filla Hafsah en matrimonio con Abu Bakr e 'Uthmaan

Resposta: If the questioner means by “before marriage,” before consummation of the marriage but after the contract, then there is no harm in such relations since she is his wife...

Antes de dicir "eu"

Forced marriages: Is it permissible to force one's daughter to marry someone she is not pleased with?

Puro Matrimonio | | 5 fixo cando ofreceu a súa filla Hafsah en matrimonio con Abu Bakr e 'Uthmaan

Resposta: Her father cannot force her, nor can her mother force her to marry even if the both of them (Mohamed. mother and father) are pleased with his practice of...