범주 "가족 생활"

가족 생활

시어머니에 대한 조언

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원천 : jamiat.org.za By Moulana Abdul Hameed Ishaq, Azaadville 1. Bear in mind that your daughter-in-law is a human being with aspirations and feelings. She has made a great sacrifice...

가족 생활

Foster Children's Interests

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원천 :saudilife.net by Aisha Al Hajjar CHILDREN often dream about what they want to be when they grow up. These dreams can fluctuate widely from moment to moment. I can...

가족 생활

딸들의 우수성

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원천 : themodernreligion.com by Yoosuf ibn ‘Abdullaah Al-‘Areefee The encouragement to seek children covers both sons and daughters, and along with this general encouragement Islam has given special merits to...

가족 생활

시댁은 무법자가 아니다

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원천 : islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com “Allah commands justice, the doing of good and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbid all shameful deeds and injustice and rebellion; He instructs you that...

가족 생활

아빠와 좋은 시간

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원천 : themodernreligion.com by Ibrahim Bowers This article presents the current relationship between a father and a child in this fast paced and time constraint society and provides many practical...

가족 생활

Iddah (Period of waiting)

순수한 결혼 | | 6 코멘트

Literally -the word ‘iddah means to count. The count of the monthly purifications after menstruation. Religiously ‘iddah means the period of waiting by a woman in a house on the...

가족 생활

아버지가 내 삶에 끼친 영향

순수한 결혼 | | 9 코멘트

원천 : muslimmotherhood.blogspot.co.uk By Fatima Barkatullah Looking back upon my childhood I have fond memories of my father being a man who was interested in all areas of his children’s...

가족 생활

관계를 개선하는 세 단어

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원천 : habibihalaqas.org Three-Word Phrases, can be tools to help develop every relationship. There are many things that you can do to strengthen your relationships. Often the most effective thing...

가족 생활

가정 학대에 대한 통찰

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원천: http://www.habibihalaqas.org 저자: An Ghela, Violence against women knows no culture or religion. It is not the fault of the victim or an inevitable response to a woman’s actions. Nevertheless as Muslims...

가족 생활

어느 부부의 이야기

순수한 결혼 | | 22 코멘트

원천 :islamicexperiences.com Story submitted by Ishrat Ali Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem Once in a beautiful land lived a girl named Summaiyya who was married to a man called Khalil....

가족 생활

남자는 여자의 보호자입니다

순수한 결혼 | | 8 코멘트

원천: Alima, http://iamalima.org/men-are-the-protectors-of-women/ “It seems like your brothers have you under their thumb!?“ “Erm… I’m not sure what you mean, but okay…“ I replied, confused at the sister’s statement. (Everyone is...