Kategori "Foreldre"

Familie liv

Forberedelse til foreldreskap

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Kilde: aaila.org Author: Lisha Azad “If it weren’t for Mummy’s guidance and the constant reference to cookbooks, Jeg ville aldri ha mestret matlaging,Amina tenker skeptisk. “Even then I made so...

Familie liv

A Mother's Advice

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Kilde: www.wisewives.org The Prophet (PBUH) sa: “This world is nothing but temporary conveniences, and the greatest joy in this world is a righteous woman.” Islam teaches us to honor and...

Familie liv

Moren jeg vil være...

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Kilde: aaila.org Author: Asma Ali It is pretty much understood that by having the extraordinary responsibility to raise exceptional human beings, a mother is going to feel less than suitable...

Familie liv

Fedre og døtre

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Kilde: http://habibihalaqas.org Author: Arty Bismillah “Father, I know that we cannot choose our family, this choice is made by the Almighty and we only find out when we arrive in...


Innpode beskjedenhet hos barn

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Kilde : islamicinsights.com by Huda Jawad Children’s fashion is a billion dollar market with movie stars and other media figures endorsing the latest and hippest trends. Not only is there...

Familie liv

Foster Children's Interests

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Kilde :saudilife.net by Aisha Al Hajjar CHILDREN often dream about what they want to be when they grow up. These dreams can fluctuate widely from moment to moment. I can...


Mer Baby

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profeten Muhammed (saww): “No father has given a greater gift to his children than good moral training.The many aspects of Ramadan – Fasting, bønner, moral values, veldedighet, Den hellige Koranen,...

Familie liv

Kvalitetstid med pappa

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Kilde : themodernreligion.com by Ibrahim Bowers This article presents the current relationship between a father and a child in this fast paced and time constraint society and provides many practical...


Er barnepikekulturen dårlig foreldreskap?

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Kilde:http://www.saudilife.net/parenting/29624-is-the-nanny-culture-bad-parenting Author:Umm ZakiyyahI THINK it’s haraam,” my friend said, contorting her face as she sat on the couch next to me. “These women leave nannies to raise their children. They’re...


Er du en ansvarlig forelder?

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Kilde: muslimvillage.com by Mariam Nihal Source: ArabNews.com JEDDAH: Many youngsters in the Kingdom have told Arab News that men who are unfit to be a good parent should refrain from...


Single Foreldre

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          Kilde: Munira Lekovic Ezzeldine,http://www.suhaibwebb.com/relationships/marriage-family/parents/single-parenting/ Parenting is a tough job, but single parenting is an even tougher challenge, as one parent tries to fulfill the roles of...

Familie liv

Pryder livet ditt med mange barn

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Kilde : pinkislam.com : Having many children By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Saaleh Al-‘Uthaymeen In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Imaam Muslim Bin Hajjaj (rahimahullah)...