
Essensen av Ramadan

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Muslims throughout the world are now observing Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting in accordance with the dictates of the Qur’anthe Muslim Holy Scripture, in which they are commanded by...


Hva fasten krever av oss

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What Does “Ramaḍān” Mean? The correct pronunciation of Ramaḍān is with a fatḥah (zabaron the letter meem(م), dvs. رَمَضَان (Ramaḍān). To pronounce it with sukūn on the letter meem, dvs. رَمْضَان (Ramdan) is incorrect. As...


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Becoming a new mother can be one the most rewarding experiences a woman can have in life, but it can also be incredibly challenging and overwhelming. New motherhood is typically...


Familieinstitusjonen i islam

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Importance of Islamic Family Let’s discuss the subject of Islamic family and its importance for Muslims. I will quote Ismail Faruqi, a great Islamic intellectual who was a professor of...