mesačné archívy: Smieť 2012


The Parable of Spouses and Garments

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Zdroj : By AmatulWadood Bismillah Allah (Všemohúci) uses amazing parables in the Qur’an that strike fear, awe and amazement in the hearts of the believers. Throughout the Qur’an,...


A Úspešný (moslimský) Manželka!

Čisté manželstvo | | 7 Komentáre

Zdroj : 28 Tips You Need To Be A Successful (moslimský) Manželka! – Yusuf Estes NOTE from Yusuf Estes: V islame sa uvažuje o manželstve “Polovica Deena” (an important part of our way...


Mlčanie je najlepšia politika pre ženy

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Zdroj : By Nadhra Salman. After interacting with many women, I’ve discovered something really strange.Women differ a lot in nature, unlike men.It is Because most men have the same...


Neúcta k manželovi

Čisté manželstvo | | 14 Komentáre

Zdroj : Miriam Islam Bismillah Allah Swt, v jeho nekonečnej múdrosti a milosrdenstve, vytvoril manželské zväzky ako prípustné, príjemný prostriedok na spojenie dvoch neznámych ľudí....


Choroba z lásky

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Zdroj By Shaikh Salmaan ibn Fahd al-‘Awdah By no means is love a sickness in and of itself. Naozaj, it is the only known cure for many of the...


"Potom ich porazte"? (Vaše manželky)

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Zdroj : Zostavil Yusuf Estes Zaobchádzanie so ženami v islame Dostávame veľa otázok o zaobchádzaní so ženami v islame vo všeobecnosti a o tom, čo robia moslimskí muži..


Ohrozené pocity

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Zdroj : habibihalaqas.orgBy Shaharban Two years ago, a viral fever took away my mother’s partial hearing ability. It was a great shock for our family and for her. Myslím,...


Wedding Da'wah Ideas

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Zdroj : By Aysha Sezer In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful I had my wedding ceremony in June 2008. My recollection of the wedding day itself,...