mesačné archívy: januára 2013


Milujte Libasa (Oblečenie)

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Zdroj: Author: Sabeen Mansoori The beauty of this perfect deen (spôsob života) that Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (vznešený je On) has blessed us with is in its details....

Rodinný život

Otcovia a dcéry

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Zdroj: Author: Arty Bismillah “Father, I know that we cannot choose our family, this choice is made by the Almighty and we only find out when we arrive in...


TIP TÝŽDŇA: Nehnevaj sa

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The Prophet SAW advised us well when he said ‘do not be angry’. Imam Malik relates that a man came to the Messenger of Allah, SAW, a povedal, “Messenger of...


Význam sexuálneho zdravia

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Sexual health is still very much a taboo subject in most Muslim households as we are never encouraged to speak about this matter. It is considered to be both ‘shameful’...