Kategória "generál"


Ramadán Čas pre rodinu

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Zdroj : habibihalaqas.org Bismillah As Muslims, we do everything for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. Every action we do should somehow be a form of worship to our...


Nechaj si to Halal

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Zdroj : habibihalaqas.org By Bint Ali Girl meets boy, a život sa zdá byť sladký. Teraz, keď je v jej živote, nikto iný neexistuje. All day he is the...


Ramadhaan bez pikantností

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Why should women be forced to make savouries in the run-up to the month of Ramadhaan? And before you Westerncentric folk get on the Muslim bashing track again, let me...


Nádherné spory

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Zdroj : wisewives.org Munira Ezzeldine 16. mája 2012, Múdre manželky Orange County mali šťastie, že mali Muniru Lekovic Ezzeldine, manželský a rodinný poradca a autor knihy „Pred....


Plán jedenástich bodov

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Zdroj : nikah.com The young and excited bride-and-groom-to-be are ecstatic about the upcoming wedding and marriage and the joy that it will bring. Three to six months later, reality has...


Zmena priezviska po sobáši

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Zdroj : islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com By Asma bint Shameem In our eagerness to copy the West, we Muslims have adopted many of their practices which have no basis in the Sharee’ah. And...


Sunna & Spôsob účasti na svadbe

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Zdroj : islamicetiquette.wordpress.com The Sunnah of Attending a Wedding : If invited to a marriage ceremony or a wedding celebration, you should accept the invitation unless it includes prohibited acts....

Rodinný život

Iddah (Obdobie čakania)

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Doslova - slovo 'iddah znamená počítať. Počet mesačných prečisťovaní po menštruácii. Nábožensky „iddah“ znamená obdobie čakania ženy v dome na....


Fatimská svadba (Radiyallahu anha)

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Zdroj : alinaam.org.za beautifulislam.net by Moulana M. Saleem Dhorat, In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful Fatimah (Radhiallaahu Anha) is the youngest daughter of our beloved Prophet (Sallallaahu...


The Parable of Spouses and Garments

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Zdroj : ilmfruits.com By AmatulWadood Bismillah Allah (Všemohúci) uses amazing parables in the Qur’an that strike fear, awe and amazement in the hearts of the believers. Throughout the Qur’an,...


Mlčanie je najlepšia politika pre ženy

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Zdroj : peacepropagation.com By Nadhra Salman. After interacting with many women, I’ve discovered something really strange.Women differ a lot in nature, unlike men.It is Because most men have the same...


Choroba z lásky

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Zdroj :islamtoday.com By Shaikh Salmaan ibn Fahd al-‘Awdah By no means is love a sickness in and of itself. Naozaj, it is the only known cure for many of the...


"Potom ich porazte"? (Vaše manželky)

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Zdroj : islamswomen.com Zostavil Yusuf Estes Zaobchádzanie so ženami v islame Dostávame veľa otázok o zaobchádzaní so ženami v islame vo všeobecnosti a o tom, čo robia moslimskí muži..


Ohrozené pocity

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Zdroj : habibihalaqas.orgBy Shaharban Two years ago, a viral fever took away my mother’s partial hearing ability. It was a great shock for our family and for her. Myslím,...