每月存檔: 四月 2013



純婚姻 | | 9 評論

愛是盲目嘅, so they say. Is it REALLY? I’ve spent the last 20 years observing ‘love’ in difficult and exceptional circumstances and have come to one conclusion and one conclusion alone. ...


短篇小說: 內在美vs. 外在美

純婚姻 | | 3 評論

源: zohrasarwari.com Author: Zohra Sarwari “Asalamalakium Mahmood, what is going on? It has been 5 years since I saw you last “ said Ahmad. “Walakaium Asalam Wa Rahamtullah Wa Barakatuhu, nothing...


Preparing For Parenting

純婚姻 | | 0 評論

源: aaila.org Author: Lisha Azad “If it weren’t for Mummy’s guidance and the constant reference to cookbooks, I would never have mastered cooking,” Amina thinks skeptically. “Even then I made so...


A Mother's Advice

純婚姻 | | 0 評論

源: www.wisewives.org The Prophet (斷續器) 說: “This world is nothing but temporary conveniences, and the greatest joy in this world is a righteous woman.” Islam teaches us to honor and...


7 高效穆斯林家庭嘅習慣

純婚姻 | | 1 評論

源: zohrasarwari.com Author: Zohra Sarwari What are the seven highly effective habits that successful Muslim families must have? 蘇凡真主, 至少可以 100 習慣, however today we will...



純婚姻 | | 0 評論

源: www.wisewives.org Amr Khaled is one of the most influential Islamic speakers in the world. The New York Times Magazine, in reference to Amr Khaled’s popularity in Arab countries, described...