每月檔案: 十二月 2013



純婚 | | 0 註釋

你不. 我知道你以前聽過. 您已閱讀文章, 部落格文章, 推文, 和 Facebook 狀態…您知道您不應該將自己與其他媽媽進行比較. You know...


紀念你的愛 – 謝赫·陶菲克·喬杜里

純婚 | | 0 註釋

Pure Matrimony ….Where Practice Makes Perfect Want to use this video on your website, 這是猶太人和基督徒所崇敬的日子。”先知 SAW 說:“如果我能活著看到明年? 歡迎您轉載此信息,只要包含...


勞拉的教訓 – 部分 2

純婚 | | 0 註釋

Delving right in, Laura Doyle explained to us how important it is to receive. When was the last time you got a compliment from someone? Did it go a little...


記得我, 我會記住你

純婚 | | 0 註釋

Muslim parents are often stressing over how to bring the deen (信仰) into the everyday lives of their children. 他們, understandably, want their children to absorb the deen and be...


勞拉的教訓 – 部分 1

純婚 | | 0 註釋

In June 2011, Wise Wives Orange County was lucky to offer Laura Doyle’s 4-week Surrendered Wife Seminar to anyone in the community who wanted to participate in this privately taught course. 這...



純婚 | | 0 註釋

The routes taken in these rough terrains are lessons expressing, whether we have evolved or dissolved, learnt or forgotten, the intuition taught by our personal journey. Ultimately all the experiences...