مؤلف: الزواج الخالص
مصدر: الزواج الخالص
Pride and arrogance are two traits that have no place in the hearts of believers, since the believer understands that everything they have is a gift and a blessing from Allah SWT. The arrogant person on the other hand, is the one who believes himself to be the cause of every blessing he has, without acknowledging Allah SWT and whilst ALSO simultaneously looking down on others.
Abu Huraira RA narrated that the Prophet SAW said:
“Paradise and Hell (Fire) quarrelled in the presence of their Lord. Paradise said, ‘O Lord! What is wrong with me that only the poor and humble people enter me?’ Hell (Fire) قالت, ‘I have been favoured with the arrogant people.’ So Allah said to Paradise, ‘You are My Mercy,’ and said to Hell, ‘You are My Punishment which I inflict upon whom I wish, and I shall fill both of you. (The Prophet SAW added, “As for Paradise, (it will be filled with good people) because Allah does not wrong any of His created things, and He creates for Hell (Fire) whomever He will, and they will be thrown into it, and it will say thrice, ‘Is there any more,’ till Allah (will put) His Foot over it and it will become full and its sides will come close to each other and it will say, ‘Qat! Qat! Qat! (Enough! Enough! Enough!).”
[رواه البخاري]
في حديث آخر, قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم:
“No one who has an atom’s-weight of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise.” A man said, عن عقبة بن عامر أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم, what if a man likes his clothes and his shoes to look good?" هو قال, “Allaah is Beautiful and loves beauty. Arrogance means rejecting the truth and looking down on people.”
The one who is arrogant towards others will in fact be trampled beneath the feet of the people on the Day of Resurrection, as a punishment for his arrogance.
قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: يوم القيامة, the arrogant will be gathered like ants in the form of men. Humiliation will overwhelm them from all sides. They will be driven to a prison in Hell called Bawlas, with the hottest fire rising over them, and they will be given to drink of the juice of the inhabitants of Hell, which is teenat al-khabaal.”
Allah SAW says in Surah Luqmaan, بيت شعر 18-19::
“And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. حقا, Allaah likes not any arrogant boaster.
And be moderate (or show no insolence) in your walking, and lower your voice. حقا, the harshest of all voices is the braying of the asses”
لذلك, never lose sight of who you are and what Allah SWT has given you or favoured you with over others. Remain humble and never put others down, lest you be from amongst the humiliated on the day of Resurrection.
الزواج الخالص – أكبر خدمة زواج في العالم للمسلمين الممارسين
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