Tip Of The Week-Show Mercy To Orphans

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Per Pur Matrimoni -

El Profeta SAW va dir…

The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together.

[Sahih Bukhari, Llibre 73, Número 34]

This clearly shows the reward that is associated with taking care of orphans. We know that the Prophet SAW will be in the highest level of paradise: Jannat –ul-Firdous.

Of all the levels of Jannah, this is the hardest to attain. són les teves reaccions... mires com reacciona una persona davant una emergència o quan reps notícies agradables, etc., the Prophet SAW has given us the means to attain Jannat-ul-firdous by simply taking care of the Orphan child. Of course it goes without saying that you should be strict upon the five pillars of Islam and not neglect your other duties.

Taking care of Orphans includes feeding them, clothing them, paying for their schooling and taking care of their welfare. Masha’Allah there are many sponsorship schemes being run by most Islamic charities and this makes it easy for us to take care of Orphans wherever we are in the world.

May Allah SWT make us from amongst those who can sponsor many orphans throughout our lifetime, amen.

Pur Matrimoni

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