Would You Marry Yourself?

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Per Pur Matrimoni -

People always focus on the kind of person they want to marry, rather than the kind of person they NEED to be!

In this lively discussion, Sister Arfa and Sister Umm Adam talk about the importance of being the right kind of person for marriage and specifically dive deep into the emotions surrounding this.

Resources mentioned in the show:

Webinar on ConfidenceCom prevenir l'esgotament i la subestimació en el vostre matrimoni://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdBu5VeFbR8&t=178s

Webinar on depressionCom prevenir l'esgotament i la subestimació en el vostre matrimoni://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWzo-dy-inI&t=87s

Webinar on Would You Marry YourselfCom prevenir l'esgotament i la subestimació en el vostre matrimoni://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0_cY_q_X4k

Islamic Council of Europehttps://iceurope.org/

Take a 7 day FREE trial with Pure MatrimonyCom prevenir l'esgotament i la subestimació en el vostre matrimoni://purematrimony.com/podcasting

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