Kategorie "Rodičovství"


Pokyny pro rozvedené rodiče

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The New Normal: All marriages do not have a happy ending. Seldom, they are cases in which couples split or get divorced. Either, because of their lack of sensibility, financial status, or...

Případové studie

Vzhled klame

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Does ‘beautyand ‘Fairnessattract people? Introduction Today’s generation nevertheless they give priority to their lives, accord priority for ‘Selfies’. With the innovation of technology, youths are obsessed. Makeup, different...


How Do Muslims Plan for Disability

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Families with children with disability have an extraordinary set of challenges and blessings. Disability (or special needs) is a broad term. Many disabilities will prevent what we often think of...


Vše o Mahrsovi, Mahrams a Walis

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Alláh SWT ve vší své moudrosti vložil do islámu extra péči a ochranu ženě tím, že mužům v jejím životě dal zvláštní role a povinnosti, které mají plnit....


Učit děti pěti pilířům

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TEACHING deen (náboženství) to our children is a huge obligation upon all parents. Obvykle, Muslim children begin to imitate the movements of salat (daily prayers) long before they are able to speak a word, let...


How I Found Myself In Motherhood

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You must have heard it many times, too: how motherhood/fatherhood/parenthood changes your life perspective, how ‘me’ turns into ‘we’ and how you begin to look for your child’s face on...