Materion Perthynas

How to survive after divorce?

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

Depression: The divorce is often referred to as the 5 stages of grief. They include denial, dicter, bargaining, iselder, and acceptance. Denial is the process where the partners will never...

Magu plant

Canllaw i rieni sydd wedi ysgaru

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

Rhagymadrodd: Nid oes diwedd hapus i bob priodas. Anaml, maent yn achosion lle mae cyplau yn gwahanu neu'n cael ysgariad. Naill ai, oherwydd eu diffyg synwyrusrwydd, statws ariannol, neu...


Dod o hyd i ffordd ar gyfer priodas lwyddiannus.

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

Rhagymadrodd: Y ffocws i arwain at briodas lwyddiannus yw cael cyfathrebu iach. Nid yw'n golygu cael priodas moethus gyda “arddulliau gosod tueddiadau”, addurn hyfryd, boed yn Fwslim ai peidio. Heddiw...


A yw bwlch oedran yn bwysig mewn perthynas?

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

Cyflwyniad Mae llawer o ddynion yn y byd hwn yn breuddwydio am fenyw sydd â gwasg berffaith, oed-bwlch, main, tal/byr, tôn gwyn gyda nodweddion deniadol. Yn bennaf mae'n visceral, peth corfforol er...

Materion Perthynas

5 stages of forgiveness

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

Rhagymadrodd:   If someone has recently hurt you, you’ll know just how painful and arduous the process of forgiveness can be. To avoid vengeance, you will control your anger and...


Say no to Valentine day

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

Introduction Marriage is an identity not only to prove that you can have sex, but it is an identity to the world to make sure that you have lots of...


Tips to overcome insecurities in the relationship

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

Rhagymadrodd: Insecurities in marriage life are very common. Ranging from jealousy to controlling behaviour, relationship insecurity can manifest itself in many destructive ways. Yn ogystal, they create an unhealthy relationship. Misunderstandings...


How Pride destroys a marriage?

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

Rhagymadrodd: Prophet Muhammad Salah Alayhi wa SallamHe who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride shall not enter paradise,”- Sahih Muslim 91. He also...

Bywyd teulu

Is love ditching Islamic tradition

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

Rhagymadrodd: Having a relationship before marriage is strictly banned in Islam. But today we are obsessed with romantic movies, books, and songs. Mostly teens slip in this situation. Mae'n...


What is pulling you away from second marriage?

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

After divorce, it is very much troublesome and challenging to overcome anxiety. Especially when a divorce takes place within a year. ‘Ewch ymlaen.’ Yna, for women to remarry again is a great...

Bywyd teulu

A guide for ungrateful women

Priodas Pur | | 0 Sylwadau

Rhagymadrodd: وعن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال‏:‏يا معشر النساء تصدقن، وأكثرن من الاستغفار، فإني رأيتكن أكثرأهلالنار.‏‏قالتامرأةمنهن‏:‏مالناأكثرأهل النار‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ ‏‏تكثرن اللعن، وتكفرن العشير مارأيت...