Am Freitag baden


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Von Reine Ehe -

‘Abdullah (B. ‘Umar) reported from his father that while he was addressing the people on Friday (Predigt), a person, one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (möge Friede mit ihm sein), entered (the mosque). Umar said to him loudly: What is this hour (for attending the prayer)? Er sagte: I was busy today and I did not return to my house when I heard the call (to Friday prayer), and I did no more but performed ablution only. Upon this Umar said: just ablution ! You know that the Messenger of Allah (möge Friede mit ihm sein) commanded (uns) to take a bath (on Friday).
Sahih Muslimh

How many times have we thought to ourselves that a simple wudu is acceptable on a Friday? Everyone has a busy life, aber eigentlich, it’s not enough to make just wudu on a Friday. You should be in the habit of having a bath before Jumma.

And you should also realize that this is not just a sunnah, but an extremely stressed sunnah! It takes just 10 minutes to have a bath – so MAKE the time. You’ll be grateful you did!

Reine Ehe

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