Kategoria "Orokorra"


Is This Love I'm Feeling ?

Ezkontza hutsa | | 13 Iruzkinak

Iturria : Suhaibwebb: ‘Is this love I’m feeling’ By Yasmin mogahed . “Love is a serious mental disease.” At least that’s how Plato put it. And while anyone who’s ever...


Bueno, At Least Learn To 'Fight Right'

Ezkontza hutsa | | 6 Iruzkinak

Iturria : tightknot.wordpress.com : ’10 Ways Spouses Can Fight Right“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Umm….wrong!! Words not only hurt; they can...


Maitasun onuragarria

Ezkontza hutsa | | 0 Iruzkinak

When the word ‘love’ is mentioned, what comes to your mind? Maybe it’s the classic image of plush hearts and scattered rose petals. Maybe it’s the bright smile of your...


Spinsterhood fenomenoa

Ezkontza hutsa | | 4 Iruzkinak

If we were to take a look at the various communities around the world, we would come to see that there has been a major change in the social circumstances...


Does Husband/Father= Superman?

Ezkontza hutsa | | 2 Iruzkinak

After reading Does Mom=Superwoman, I started thinking about my husband. Usually when I sit down to tell him how I feel so overwhelmed with the kids and the house, how no...


Death in Sujood on Her Wedding Night

Ezkontza hutsa | | 98 Iruzkinak

True strory told by ShaykhAbdul Mohsen al Ahmad”, it happened in Abha (the capital of Asir province in Saudi Arabia) “After performing Salat Al Maghrib, she put her make-up,...


Let go of Anger and Replace it with Forgiveness Today

Ezkontza hutsa | | 2 Iruzkinak

Iturria : Islamicsunrays.com : ‘forgiveness’ and ‘let-go-of-anger-and-replace-it-with-forgiveness’ by Wael Abdelgawad By Wael Abdelgawad for IslamicSunrays.com “Pardon them and overlook – Allah loves those who do good.” (zureganako arreta 5:13) If we...


Having Taqwa during divorce

Ezkontza hutsa | | 2 Iruzkinak

The sacred institution of marriage has always been suspect to the target of our avowed enemy, Satanas. It is a one-of-a-kind relationship that is formed by merely saying a few...


A Different Kind of Love Story

Ezkontza hutsa | | 8 Iruzkinak

Iturria : iloveAllaah.com A different kind of love story by Faraz Omar By: Faraz Omar The exceptional characteristics some people display are quite dumbfounding really, particularly when you put yourself...


Zenbait Ziurgabetasun

Ezkontza hutsa | | 0 Iruzkinak

The mystery of not knowing what the future holds is at times frustrating, and at times exciting. Will my hopes be shattered? Will my excitement turn into disappointment, yet again?...


The sunnah of love

Ezkontza hutsa | | 1 Iruzkina

The Sunnah of Love An important dimension of domestic marital problems, as I see, is that the Sunnah of Love and Gallantry seems to be overlooked or dismissed as a...