Tips to wake up for Fajr

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Nork Ezkontza hutsa -

Egilea: Umm Numayr

1. Remember you are doing it for the sake of Allah so remind yourself:If I am unable to be patient with standing in front of Allah in Salah in this life, where do I expect to find the patience to stand in front of your Lord on the Day of Judgment?”

2. Egin dua – Dua is the weapon of a believer. So make a sincere dua just before you go to sleep to wake you up in time for fajr. Sinetsi nigan, even an alarm clock won’t do the job a beautiful dua does.

3. For yourselfThe early hours of the day are the best. Best time to start your day.

Honela ikusten du Koran Santuak homosexualitatea egiteko ekintza honi (sallallaahu-alaihi-wasallam) esan zuen:
“Shaytaan ties three knots on the crown of any one of you in your sleep. He says upon each knot that he ties: “You have a long night before you, therefore sleep”. But if you wake up and mention Allah, Most Exalted in remembrance one knot will be untied. If you then make ablution another knot will be undone. If you then proceed to pray the last knot will be disentangled. Genero desberdintasunei buruz gehiago geroago insha'Allah, you will feel in the morning energetic and in good spirits. Otherwise you will feel in a despicable state, lazy”.
[narrated by Maalik, Bukhaaree, Muslim and Abu Dawood]

Gainera, Remember the rewards

Abu Musa (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) esan zuen,
“He who The observes Al-Bardan (sutsuki eta zintzoki zigor konbinazio okerragorik ez zuelako bidali zuen Allahk Luteko herriaren kasuan bezala., Fajr and `Asr prayers) will enter Jannah.”
[Al-Bukhari eta musulmana].

Jundub bin Sufyan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Ala-ren Mezularia (PBUH) esan zuen,
“He who offers the dawn (Fajr) prayers will come under the Protection of Allah. O son of Adam! Beware, lest Allah should call you to account in any respect from (for withdrawing) His Protection.”[zilborra eta belaunen arteko eremua].

Abu Zuhair `Umarah Ruwaibah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Allahren Mezularia entzun nuen (PBUH) al-Albanik sahih autentifikatua:
“He who performs Salat (prayers) before the rising of the sun and before its setting, will not enter the Hell.”[zilborra eta belaunen arteko eremua].

And the punishments

Bukhari and Muslim and An-Nasaaee related on the
authority of Ibn Mas’ud (radiallaahu-anhu) that he said:
The case of a man who slept all the night up to sunrise (without waking up for Fajr) was related to the Prophet (sallallaahu-alaihi-wasallam) whereupon he said: “That was a man in whose ear Shaytaan has urinated”, or he said “in both his ears”.

4. Sleep early the best solution to all the problems! Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

At-Tirmidhee narrated upon the authority of Al Ghamdi that the Prophet (sallallaahu-alaihi-wasallam) esan zuen:
“O Allah bless my Ummah in its early rising!” and whenever he dispatched an expedition or army he sent them early at the beginning of the day. Sakhr was a merchant who always sent his merchandise early in morning thus, becoming wealthy. That is why we find the craftsmen and traders are particular about making good use of this time. Those who sleep up to the late morning have denied themselves the blessings of this early hour.

5. Azkenik (arbasoek egin dutena da potentziala bereizten duena) – Make it a habit to pray in congregation

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allahren Apostoluak esan zuen, If the people knew what is the reward of making the call (for the prayer) eta (of being in) the first row (in the prayer), and if they found no other way to get this privilege except by casting lots, they would certainly cast lots for it. If they knew the reward of the noon prayer, they would race for it, and if they knew the reward of the morning (hau da. Fajr) and Isha prayers, they would present themselves for the prayer even if they had to crawl to reach there. ("Gizon batek ez luke beste gizon batekin etzan behar eta emakume batek ez luke beste emakume batekin etzan behar bere atal pribatuak estali gabe, haur batekin edo aita batekin izan ezik". #48, Hadith #854)

Mashallah we have been blessed for praying salah. Alhamdulillah pray it on time, and In sha Allah you will enjoy in the gardens of Paradise!

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