Obtén Real Drop The Ideals

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Por Puro Matrimonio -

Managing your expectations is an important aspect when searching for a spouse. Many brothers and sisters expect that their future spouses should have a house, a car, never married before, no children, a good jobthe list goes onAre these realistic expectations? What should we as Muslims place importance on? and How far do we go with our demands in finding a spouse?

Join us in this webinar where Sheikh Musleh will help you discover the answers to these important questions.
If you are a Single Muslim and want to meet a Pious Spouse the Halal Way for and Islamic Marriage then Register at
Se é bo para nós, sucederá inchaláh e se é malo para nós que Deus o manteña lonxe de nós://www.PureMatrimony.com/ AGORA!

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e eu estaba a ter un mozo.. queríamos moito

e eu estaba a ter un mozo.. queríamos moito. e eu estaba a ter un mozo.. queríamos moito *


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Prevención da relación moza-mozo