Kategori "Tip Minggu Ini"

Tip Minggu Ini

Hapuslah Dosa-dosamu

Pernikahan Murni | | 0 Komentar

How easy is it to have all of your sins wiped away? Sebenarnya, it’s pretty easy for those who want the blessings of Allah SWT. Allah in all His infinite...

Tip Minggu Ini

Hubungan dan Cinta

Pernikahan Murni | | 0 Komentar

What’s the first thing you do when you’re going through a tough time? Do you seek out your family and friends and share your worries with them? Do you ask...

Tip Minggu Ini

Kebajikan Udhaya (Qurban)

Pernikahan Murni | | 0 Komentar

The Prophet SAW LOVED the udhiya or the sacrifice because of the enormous amount of blessing in this: Nabi Muhammad (AS) telah berkata: “There is no deed that Allah...

Tip Minggu Ini

Pahala Puasa

Pernikahan Murni | | 0 Komentar

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (semoga Allah meridhoinya) from the Prophet (), siapa bilang: ‘Allah (mighty and sublime be He) mengatakan: Fasting is Mine and it...