Kategorija "Ģenerālis"


Masjid Al-Aqsa

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Al-Aqsa nozīmē "tālākā mošeja", un to sauca Masjid Al-Aqsa, jo tajā laikā tā bija vistālāk esošā mošeja no Mekas. Another commonly referred term for the mosque...


Jaunais normāls

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Finding a man/woman of your dreams is a tough job but here’s how it could be made easier! Viss dvēseles palīga atrašanas process ir diezgan nogurdinošs. Tas...


Nedēļas padoms – # 2

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7 pazīmes, kas jāmeklē, lai paliktu pozitīvas Katra ticīgā dzīvē pienāk brīdis, kad viņam šķiet, ka nekas nenotiek pareizajā virzienā. Šķiet, ka viss...



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How To Rejuvenate Your Faith In This Pandemic!   Everyone around the world is going through a tough time dealing with this pandemic and the aura of anxiety and hopelessness...


Dhul Hijjah nozīme

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The ten days of Dhul Hijjah hold a great amount of significance in Islam. This month’s first ten days are considered very sacred and a time for enhanced contemplation, finding...


Say no to Valentine day

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Introduction Marriage is an identity not only to prove that you can have sex, but it is an identity to the world to make sure that you have lots of...


Tips to overcome insecurities in the relationship

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Jaunais normāls: Insecurities in marriage life are very common. Ranging from jealousy to controlling behaviour, relationship insecurity can manifest itself in many destructive ways. Turklāt, they create an unhealthy relationship. Misunderstandings...