Kategorija "Tip Tal-Ġimgħa"


Tip Tal-Ġimgħa – # 2

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

7 sinjali li għandek tfittex biex Tibqa Pożittiv Jasal żmien fil-ħajja ta’ kull fidi meta jħossu li xejn mhu sejjer fid-direzzjoni t-tajba. Kollox jidher li ...



Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

Kif Inġedded il-Fidi Tiegħek F'Din il-Pandemija!   Kulħadd madwar id-dinja għaddej minn żmien iebes biex jittratta din il-pandemija u l-aura ta’ ansjetà u nuqqas ta’ tama...

Tip Tal-Ġimgħa

Tisħetx jew Tabbużax lil Oħrajn

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

A person can say anything when they are angrywithout truly understanding the consequences of their actions. This includes cursing, swearing, verbally abusing and slandering or backbiting others out...

Tip Tal-Ġimgħa

Actions and Intentions

Żwieġ Pur | | 2 Kummenti

Allah SWT will reward a person for what they intend and what they act upon. In the following hadith, il-Profeta (t-tberik u l-paċi ta’ Allah ikunu fuqu) qal:...

Tip Tal-Ġimgħa

7 Sunnans of Eid

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

Many of you know the most famous sunnans of Eid which Imâm Sa’îd b. Al-Musayyib – Allâh have mercy on him – said: The Sunnah of Al-Fitr consists of three things:...

Tip Tal-Ġimgħa

Don’t Abuse Your Free Time

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

We all know the well-known hadith about taking advantage of 5 things: Il-Profeta SAW qal: ”Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth before you become old; your...

Tip Tal-Ġimgħa

The Most Beloved To Allah

Żwieġ Pur | | 0 Kummenti

Ibn Umar reported: Two men came to the Messenger of Allah, L-Islam jiddetta regoli stretti, and they said, “O Messaġġier ta’ Allah, which of the people are most...