Monthly Archives: Ogasiti 2015


Khalani Wachisomo Kwa Alendo Anu

Ukwati Wangwiro | | 0 Ndemanga

Being kind and gracious to your guests is a key etiquette of Islam, and one which the Prophet SAW took very seriously: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day...

Tip Of The Week

The Evil of Haram Wealth

Ukwati Wangwiro | | 0 Ndemanga

Ibn Mas’ood RA narrates that the Prophet SAW said, “A slave (of Allah) who acquires haraam wealth and gives charity from it, it is not accepted from him. If he spends from...

Tip Of The Week

Avoiding Haram In Small Quantities

Ukwati Wangwiro | | 1 Ndemanga

Haram and halal is accurately defined in the Quran and Sunnah. In an authentic hadith in Muslim, Abu Hurairah RA narrates that the Prophet SAW said: “Indedi, Allah is Pure and He only accepts...

Moyo wabanja

So We’re Married…Now What?

Ukwati Wangwiro | | 0 Ndemanga

A mail holder is a good idea, for whoever is in charge of organizing bills, ndi zina. A grocery list is also very helpful, and those nifty little magnetic pads you...