Любовь как пророк (ПИЛА)

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Автор: Мудрые жены

Источник: wisewifes.org

Just came across this list and thought it was a great reminder about the character of our Prophet Mohamed (мир ему).

We often get swept up in the routine of life that we take our marriages for granted. Luckily Allah has given us a perfect portrait in the Prophet (молчание) to help break that routine. Here are five practical, yet powerful, lessons to help rekindle our relationships.

1. Smile often. He used to smile so much that his companions would say they never saw anyone smile more than him (1). It’s easy to forget how powerful a simple smile can be. We all have long and strenuous days. Instead of bombarding your spouse with complaints on first sight, engage them with a smiling face. A simple smile is even an act of charity (2).

2. Say sweet somethings. He would say “Whomever believes in Allah and the day of Judgment let them have positive speech, or keep quiet” (3). It’s very easy to nitpick at our spouses. We are around each other all the time. But instead of searching for faults, point out their qualities. Try making it a new daily habit of complimenting your spouse.

3. Don’t get angry. When the Prophet’s companion Ali married Fatimah, пророк (молчание) gave him amazing words of advice. Advice so important that he repeated it three times. “Don’t get Angry,” он сказал (4). He didn’t tell him to control his anger, but rather don’t get angry in the first place. We get angry at our spouses for the silliest things, from how they squeeze the toothpaste bottle to how they wash the dishes. Chill out.

4. Go out together. He would spend quality time with his spouse all the time. He didn’t live a separate life under the same roof. He would go on walks С его женой, travel with his wife, and seek her advice. He would engage in stimulating conversation. When was the last time you took your spouse out for a nice dinner or went out for a cup of coffee?

5. Сказать “I Love You. He was not afraid to profess his love. Our religion is built on it as Allah states, “My love is guaranteed for two who love one another for My sake” (5). He would often speak of the great affection he had for his wife Khadija. ”Her love was given to me as Rizqhe was quoted as saying (6). Many of us are probably unable to recall the last time we said it to our spouse. That’s not prophetic.

1. [Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 3574]
2. [Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 1879]
3. [Аль-Бухари 11:308; Мусульманин, 2:18]
4. [Бухари]
5. [Ахмад, 4:236]
6. [Аль Бухари, 45: 6431]

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1 Комментарий to Love like the Prophet (ПИЛА)

  1. hassana hamidu

    Салам алейкум. Just read your article on our dealings with our spouses and I must say that I have learnt something. Jazakallahu khair.

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