Mesečni arhiv: januarja 2015

Nasvet tedna

Bodite pozorni na jezik

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Good deeds are often though of as those which require sacrifice and effort such as fasting and giving to charity. But one of the best deeds you can do to...


Ponovno prižiganje ognja ljubezni

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We forget that before we became Mum, chauffeur, nurse, and more, we were a woman and wife first. It’s time we took the initiative and brought back that glint in...


Doseganje močne zakonske vezi

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Marriage is considered an ibaadah, an act that is pleasing to Allah. It is in accordance with His commandments that husbands and wives love each other and help one another...


Kako sem se znašla v materinstvu

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You must have heard it many times, tudi: how motherhood/fatherhood/parenthood changes your life perspective, how ‘me’ turns into ‘we’ and how you begin to look for your child’s face on...

Nasvet tedna

Ne razkazujte se

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Allah SWT commands us to check our intentions whenever we do a good deedbecause Shaytaan is there trying to make our good deeds a source of pride among...