stran "Nasvet tedna"


Nasvet tedna – # 2

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7 Znaki, ki jih je treba iskati, da ostanemo pozitivni V življenju vsakega vernika pride čas, ko se počuti, kot da nič ne gre v pravo smer. Vse se zdi...



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How To Rejuvenate Your Faith In This Pandemic!   Everyone around the world is going through a tough time dealing with this pandemic and the aura of anxiety and hopelessness...

Nasvet tedna

Dejanja in nameni

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Allah SWT will reward a person for what they intend and what they act upon. In the following hadith, prerok (Allahov blagoslov in mir z njim) je rekel:...

Nasvet tedna

7 Sunnans of Eid

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Many of you know the most famous sunnans of Eid which Imâm Sa’îd b. Al-Musayyib – Allâh have mercy on him – said: The Sunnah of Al-Fitr consists of three things:...