Saha Anu Bakal Nikah Ka Kuring? Saran praktis pikeun cerai

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Ku Nikah Murni -

Pangarang: Nikah Murni

Marriage can seem an impossibility when you’ve been previously divorced or are single with children, and for sisters in particular, it can make them feel vulnerable, isolated and unwanted. People see you as ‘damaged goodsand the last choice when considering marriage. But do any of these viewpoints hold importance or have validity to them in Islam?

Resident marriage counsellor Sheikh Musleh Khan tackles this highly sensitive topic in the light of the Qur’an and the Sunnah in which you will discover:

• The stigma surrounding divorcees and single parents today and how Islam challenges these misconceptions and views
• Practical ways to prepare yourself for marriage after divorce
• How to prevent culture overtaking Faith and true understanding of Islam
• Tips for single mothers who want to get married
• Why parents don’t accept divorced sisters and their children and what you can do about it


Nikah Murni – Ngabantosan Umat Islam Ngalatih Ngahiji Sareng Tetep Babarengan

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