Posts Tagged: "haftanın ipucu"


Haftanın İpucu – # 2

saf evlilik | | 0 Yorumlar

7 signs to look for to Stay Positive There comes a time in every believer’s life when they feel like nothing is going in the right direction. Everything seems to...



saf evlilik | | 0 Yorumlar

Bu Pandemide İnancınızı Nasıl Gençleştirebilirsiniz?!   Everyone around the world is going through a tough time dealing with this pandemic and the aura of anxiety and hopelessness...

Haftanın İpucu

Orucun Mükafatları

saf evlilik | | 0 Yorumlar

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (Allah ondan razı olsun) from the Prophet (ﷺ), Kim dedi: ‘Allah (mighty and sublime be He) diyor: Fasting is Mine and it...