

純婚姻 -

作者: 明智的妻子

源: wisewives.org

In September 2012, Wise Wives Club Chino Hills discussed this article at their meeting. It sparked an interesting discussion.

Here is the article titled: “返回頁首 10 Tips for Marital Bliss from the Washington Post by Leslie Morgan Steiner.

1. Be nice. This is stupidly simple, but it works. Even when you feel like hell, or have a beef with each other, or are tense or tired, make the effort to be kind and gentle with each other. Make the partnership a safe harbor where the other person wants to be. This means taking a breath, biting your tongue and going easy even when that’s not exactly how you feel.

2. Find common ground on your most important issues. Doing things together, even as simple as preparing pizza together or gardening together is a great way to show each other that you are there, you are present & your presence gets acknowledged by just merely being there. We do tons of activities with our children, for our children, what do we do for each other?

3.Whomever feels most passionately about a position wins that argument. It is rare that, upon candid reflection, you can’t unanimously agree that one or the other simply cares more (or as is more likely the case, one cares less). You are going to have different opinions on many different subjects. Winning an argument doesn’t mean the other loses. It just means one cared more about that particular issue.

4. Nurturing your marriage is more important than kidsin part because staying together is so important for your kids. 所以, make time for each other. Have a regular date night without kids. Intimacy and affection and time alone together are a top priority. Make dates to cuddle up, let other things slide sometimes, do whatever you have to do. Just don’t let it get pushed off the table by everything else that isimportant.

5. Stay flexible, in every sense of the word. That means finding a compromise between his need to watch the game and your need get the house clean. It means finding ways to discipline the kids that both of you can live with. It means staying open minded to new ideas in intimacy. It means communicating, it means nothing is set in stone, other than your core values, which you should discuss and share before you ever get married.

6. Treat the logistics of raising a family and running a household like a small business. Once a week have a calendar meeting. Go over the schedule of the upcoming week or weeks, and talk through what you both and the kids have going on. Make lists about what has to happen to help the week go smoothly and who has which carpool, cooking responsibilities, 等.

7. Have a sense humorsome arguments can and should end in laughter.

8. Don’t crowd too much into your lives. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity.

9. When you get home at night, or when your honey calls in the middle of the day, stop, take a breath, smile, and say “你好, sweetheart. 你好嗎?” before launching into whatever daily business or complaints you have. Start every interchange on a basis of affection and kindness.

10. Accept that you can’t change your spouse, especially by yelling or screaming or playing passive-aggressive. 然而, this doesn’t mean letting small resentments simmer. Deal with them before they become big deals. If your spouse does anything that upsets you, talk about it. If he or she can understand why you are upset, and you can understand why your partner does what he/she does, both parties stand a chance of finding that happy medium..



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