

經過 純婚 -

來源 : yasminmogahed.com “ Fall in love with the real thing” by Yasmin Mogahed .

It’s never easy to let go. Or is it? Most of us would agree that there are few things harder than letting go of what we love. 但是, sometimes that’s exactly what we have to do. Sometimes we love things that we can’t have. Sometimes we want things that are not good for us. And sometimes we love what Allah does not love. To let go of these things is hard. Giving up something the heart adores is one of the hardest battles we ever have to fight.

But what if it didn’t have to be such a battle? What if it didn’t have to be so hard? Could there ever be an easy way to let go of an attachment? 是的. 有.

Find something better.

他們說,在你找到更好的人或更好的東西之前,你不會忘記某人. 作為人類, 我們不能很好地處理空虛. 任何空白都必須填滿. 立即地. 空虛的痛苦太強烈了. 它迫使受害者填補那個地方. 一個空曠的地方會導致難以忍受的痛苦. 這就是為什麼我們從分心跑到分心, 從依戀到依戀.

在尋求解放心靈的過程中, 我們談論了很多關於打破我們的錯誤依賴關係. 但總有一個問題是“如何?’一旦產生了虛假的依戀, 我們如何掙脫? 很多時候感覺太難了. 我們沉迷於事物, 似乎放不下他們. 即使他們傷害了我們. 即使它們損害了我們的生活和我們與上帝的聯繫. Even when they are so unhealthy for us. We just can’t let them go. We are too dependent on them. We love them too much and in the wrong way. They fill something inside of us that we think we need…that we think we can’t live without. 所以, even when we struggle to give them up, we often abandon the struggle because it’s too hard.

Why does that happen? Why do we have so much trouble sacrificing what we love for what God loves? Why can’t we just let go of things? I think we struggle so much with letting go of what we love, because we haven’t found something we love more to replace it.

When a child falls in love with a toy car, he becomes consumed with that love. But what if he can’t have the car? 如果他必須每天步行經過商店怎麼辦, 看看他不能擁有的玩具? 每次他路過, 他會感到疼痛. 他甚至可能很難不偷走它. 然而, 如果孩子越過商店櫥窗看到一輛真車怎麼辦? 如果他看到真正的法拉利怎麼辦? 他還會為對玩具的渴望而掙扎嗎? 難道他還要克制偷東西的衝動嗎? 或者他能從玩具身邊走過嗎——偉大的差距消滅了鬥爭?

我們想要愛. 我們要錢. 我們想要狀態. 我們想要這樣的生活. 和那個孩子一樣, 我們也被這些愛所吞噬. 所以當我們不能擁有這些東西時, 我們就是商店裡的那個孩子, 努力不偷走它們. 我們正在努力不為了我們所愛的東西而犯下哈拉姆. 我們正在努力擺脫聖地關係, 業務往來, 行動, 裙子. 我們正在努力放開今生的愛. 我們是掙扎著放開玩具的絆腳僕人……因為這就是我們所看到的一切.

這一生和其中的一切就像那輛玩具車. 我們不能放手,因為我們還沒有找到更偉大的東西. 我們看不到真實的東西. 真實版. 真實模型.

上帝 (重量級) 說,
“這個世界的生活除了娛樂和遊戲之外是什麼? 但確實是來世之家,- 這就是生活, 如果他們知道的話。” (29:64)

在描述這種生活時, 安拉使用阿拉伯語來表示“生命”: 生活. 但, 在描述來世時, 安拉在這裡使用了高度誇張的生命術語, 動物. 下輩子才是真正的人生. 更真實的生活. 真實版. 然後真主以“如果他們知道”來結束這句. 如果我們能看到真實的東西, 我們可以克服對次要的深愛, 假模特.

在另一個啊, 上帝說:
“但你更喜歡世俗的生活, 而後世更美好、更持久。” (87:16-17)

真實版質量更好 (好的) 並且數量更好 (保持). 無論我們今生所愛的事物多麼偉大, 總會有一些不足, 在兩個質量 (瑕疵) 和數量 (暫時的).
這並不是說我們不能擁有甚至不愛今生的事物. 作為信徒,我們被告知要在今生和來世祈求善. 但它就像玩具車和真車一樣. 雖然我們可以擁有甚至享受玩具車, 我們意識到差異. 我們完全理解有一個較小的模型 (敦雅: 來自詞根“daniya”, 意思是“較低的”) 並且有真實模型 (此後).

但是這種認識如何幫助我們在此生? 它有幫助,因為它使遵循清真食品的“鬥爭”, 避免聖地更容易. 我們越能看到真實的東西, 放棄“不真實”變得越容易——必要時. 這並不意味著我們必須完全放棄“虛幻”, 或一直. 相反,它使我們與較小的模型建立了關係 (敦雅) one in which if and when we are asked to give something up for the sake of what is Real, it is no longer difficult. If we are asked to refrain from a prohibition that we want, it becomes easier. If we are asked to be firm in a commandment that we don’t want, it becomes easier. We become the matured child who likes to have the toy, but if ever asked to choose between the toy and the Real thing, see a ‘no-brainer’. 例如, many of the Prophet’s (pbuh) companions had wealth. But when the time came, they could easily give half or all of it for Allah’s sake.

This focus also transforms what we petition for help or approval. If we’re in desperate need of something, we will appeal to the servant—only when we don’t see or know the King. But if we’re on our way to meet that King and we run into His servant, we may greet the servant, be kind to the servant, even love the servant. But we will not waste time trying to impress the servant, when there is a King to impress. We will never waste effort appealing to the servant for our need, while the King is the One in control. Even if the King had given some authority to the servant, we’d know very well that the power to give and take rests ultimately with the King—and the King alone. This knowledge comes only from knowing and seeing the King. And this knowledge completely transforms how we interact with the servant.

Seeing the Real thing transforms the way we love. Ibn Taymiyyah (出去) discussed this concept when he said: “If your heart is enslaved by someone who is forbidden for him: One of the main causes for this miserable situation is turning away from Allah, for once the heart has tasted worship of Allah and sincerity towards Him, nothing will be sweeter to it than that, nothing will be more delightful or more precious. No one leaves his beloved except for another one he loves more, or for fear of something else. The heart will give up corrupt love in favor of true love, or for fear of harm.”

One of our greatest problems as an ummah is as the Prophet (pbuh) told us in a hadith: wahn (love of dunya and hatred of death). We’ve fallen in love with dunya. And anytime you are in love, it becomes next to impossible to get over that love or separate from it—until you are able to fall in love with something greater. It is next to impossible to dislodge this destructive love of dunya from our hearts, until we find something greater to replace it. Having found a greater love, it becomes easy to get over another one. When the love of God, His messenger (pbuh) and the Home with Him is really seen, it overpowers and dominates any other love in the heart. The more that love is seen, the more dominate it becomes. And thereby the easier it will be to really actualize the statement of Ibraheem (作為):
「說, ‘Indeed, my prayer, my service of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.’” (6:162)

So in letting go, the answer lies in love. Fall in love. Fall in love with something greater. Fall in love with the Real thing. See the Mansion.

Only then, will we stop playing in the dollhouse.

來源 : yasminmogahed.com “ Fall in love with the real thing” by Yasmin Mogahed .

11 註釋 to Fall in Love with the Real Thing

  1. Jazakum Allah Khairan
    very impressive ..mashaallah
    it made me think again about many things in my life ..

    May Allah grant you Al Jannah 🙂

  2. ALHAMDULILLAH there is kind of muslims like you who can share same this articleJAZAKALLAHU KHAIR..please continue sharing ALLAH HAFIZ

  3. الله يعطيكي الف عافيه انا شاب عمري 17 سنه وبحياتي ما حد شفا غليلي بهذه الطريقه شكرا شكرا لكي مقاله رائعه وارجو تضيفي مثل هذه الروحانيات على قلوب المسلمين

  4. absolutely true and educating , read it twice , excellent ….only if we could understand and appy this in our lives.

  5. 哈利瑪

    May Allah bless the writer and all those involved and make it a reason for them to enter jannah. I love the moderation, two-side, in the article. One reason why muslims aren’t committed to islam or non muslims shy away is because they think islam gives no room at all for you to be involved in the dunya. Please give this an attention in your subsequent articles. jzk


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