[不要忽視教你的妻子] 不要忽視教你的妻子


經過 純婚 -

放手並從關係中繼續前進是艱難的! The complexity and intensity of feelings and emotions when you’re going through a breakup and considering moving on can really keep you stuck in difficult relationships.

In this exclusive interview, Sister Arfa Saira Iqbal from Pure Matrimony discusses the difficulties of why people find it hard to let go and what to do to make the process easier.

To get your FREE 7 day trial to Pure Matrimony, go 到: https://purematrimony.com/podcasting/

To listen to the previous episodes in this series:

Practical Things You Need To Know When Going Through A Divorce : https://www.muslimmarriageguide.com/practical-things-need-know-youre-going-divorce-interview-sister-arfa-saira-iqbal-part-one/

The Impact of Divorce on Children: https://www.muslimmarriageguide.com/impact-divorce-kids-interview-sister-arfa-saira-iqbal-part-2/

The Emotional Impact of Divorce: 為什麼改善自己的身體很重要,因為://www.muslimmarriageguide.com/handle-emotional-impact-divorce-interview-sister-arfa-saira-iqbal-part-2/

Need help with an Islamic counsellor? 請拜訪 http://iceurope.org/marriage-divorce/ for help and advice and to book your appointment.


References in the podcast:

“My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me; and that what misses me was never meant for me.”

– Imam Shafie RA

One of the righteous predecessors said:
” I make dua’a to Allah (早上好) for something I want, and if He gives it to me then I’m happy once and if He doesn’t give it to me then I’m happy ten times because the first was my choice and the second was Allah’s choice.”

2 註釋 到 [不要忽視教你的妻子] 不要忽視教你的妻子

  1. Assalamwalikum I am a 40 yr old woman with a 23 yr old daughter ..my husband is a very abusive man I am separated from him since 4 yrs. He refuses to divorce me even though he has remarried and has kids ..what should I do


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