Tip Of The Week -The Virtues of Salat-Ul-Duha

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Permezz Żwieġ Pur -

Awtur: Żwieġ Pur

One of the best charitable acts you can do is to establish the regular prayer of Salat-ul-Duha which is the Forenoon prayer.

This salat is a form of Sadaqa. Abu Dharr narrated that the Prophet (SAW) qal, “Every morning there is on the bones and joints of any of you a charitable act. Every saying of ‘SubhaanAllahis a charitable act; every saying of ‘Alhumdullilahis a charitiable act and every saying of ‘Laa illaaha illallahis a charitable act; every saying ‘Allahu akbar’ is a charitable act; ordering good is a chartiable act; eradicating evil is a charitable act. To fulfill that charity, it is sufficient to pray two rakat of the forenoon.” (Musulman 364)

It’s important to note that Salat-ul-Duha was a tradition of all of the prophets (peace be upon all of them) including the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). As a matter of fact, Prophets Dawud, Sulaiman, and Ayyub (AS) are all called “Awwab” in the Qur’an and performed this prayer.

F'hadith ieħor, Abu Hurayrah (BARRA) qal,

Ktieb tal-Manjieri (SAW) advised me to do three (things): fast three days out of every month, pray two rak’ahs in the forenoon and to perform the witr prayer before I sleep (at night).” (Saheeh Al-Bukhaari)

The forenoon prayer is known by many names including Chaast and Ishrak, but was referred to as Salat-ul-Duha. You can offer between 2 rakah as a minimum to 8 rakah maximum, based on this hadith:

Umm Haaninarrated that on the day of the Conquest of Makkah, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) bathed in her house and then prayed eight rak’ahs. (Bukhari, Musulman)

Salatul-Duha can be prayed any time from 15 minutes AFTER the sun has completely risen to around 10 minutes BEFORE the Dhuhr prayer – and this was the opinion of Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen.

It is better to pray it after the sun’s heat has become intense, għax il-Profeta (SAW) qal: “It is preferable to offer Dhuhaa prayer when the sun’s heat has become so intense that even the young of the camels feel it.” (Musulman)

Salat-ul-Duha is the ideal prayer for anyone who struggles with Tahajjud or simply wants to fulfil their act of charity each day.

Żwieġ Pur

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