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Apongozi nthawi zonse amakhala ndi uthenga woipa pa miyambo yambiri yomwe ilibe kanthu mu Chisilamu. Koma, mumagwirizanitsa bwanji zomwe banja lanu likufuna ndi zomwe mukufuna? How do you foster a positive relationship with in-laws that will ultimately give you peace and harmony in your life?

And the big one – what exactly does Islam say about the role of daughter in-law’s in Islam? Are they really required to look after their in-laws or is this something that Allah SWT doesn’t burden a woman with?

Discover how to manage expectations with in-laws whilst keeping in line with the rights and responsibilities ordained by Allah SWT by joining us on this thought-provoking webinar which deals with these problems in depth.

Ngati ndinu Msilamu Osakwatiwa ndipo mukufuna kukumana ndi Wokondedwa Wanu Njira ya Halal ndi Ukwati Wachisilamu ndiye Lembetsani pa
http://www.PureMatrimony.com/ TSOPANO!

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Siyani Yankho

Imelo yanu sisindikizidwa. Minda yofunikira yalembedwa *


Onani Pulogalamu Yathu Yatsopano Yam'manja!!

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