Mole ʻa e ʻAmanaki Lelei ʻi hono Kumi ʻo ha Mali

Faʻahinga ʻo e Post

Fakafuofuaʻi ʻa e post ko ʻeni
Fai ʻe Mali Haohaoa -

Maʻuʻanga fakamatala :

Fehuʻi: ʻOku ou ʻi he taimí ni 29, pea kuó u feinga ke mali ʻi ha taimi lōloa ʻo ʻikai pē ha ola lelei. ʻOku mole ʻeku ʻamanaki lelei pea aʻu ʻo u fakakaukau ke mali mo ha tangata ʻoku ʻikai Mosilemi ka ʻoku ou ʻilo ʻe fakatuʻutamaki ʻeni ki hoku va fetuʻutaki mo Allah.
Talí: ʻOku tau ako mei he fakahinohino ʻa e ʻOfaʻanga ʻo Allah ke fekumi ki he ngaahi founga malohi mo lelei taha ʻoku lava ke maʻu, lolotonga hono tuku e falala ʻa ha taha ki Allah.

Sayyiduna ili ili (Allah fiefia ʻiate ia) naʻe pehe ʻe, “Naʻa ku fanongo ki he talafekau ʻa Allah (Allah tapuakiʻi ia & ʻoange kiate ia ʻa e melinó) lea ʻaki, "Kapau naʻa ke fakafalala ki Allah ʻo hange ko ia ʻoku totonu ke ke fakafalala ki ai, Te Ne tokonaki maʻau ʻo hangē ko ʻEne tokonaki maʻá e fanga manupuná. ʻOku nau ʻalu ʻo fiekaia ʻi he pongipongi, pea foki kakato mai ʻi he efiafi.” [Tirmidhi] ʻ Oku fakatokangaʻi ʻ e he kau mataotaó ko e fanga manupuná ʻ oku ʻ ikai te nau falala pē ki Allah: ʻoku nau ʻalu pongipongia, pea fakaʻaongaʻi e meʻa kotoa pē ke fakahoko ʻaki ʻenau taumuʻá.

Nofo-mali: ʻOku ʻuhinga ʻa e Communal

ʻI he kolo kotoa pē, ʻoku ʻi ai ha kakai ʻoku nau fokotuʻu ʻa e nofo-malí, ko hai ʻoku ne ʻiloʻi ʻa e ngaahi mali ʻoku feʻunga, pea ko hai ʻoku totonu ke fekumi ki ai kapau ʻoku fie mali ha taha. Kapau ʻoku ʻikai ʻaonga ia ki he fāmili ʻo ha taha, feinga ke foua ha kaumātuʻa kehe ʻi he koló (hangē ko e kaungāmeʻa ʻo ha taha’ mātuʻá, kau taki fakakolo, imams ʻo e temipale, ngaahi ouau ʻo e malí, mo e ala meʻa pehe.)

Fakahoko e Lotu ʻo e Faingataʻaʻiá (Salat Al-Haja): ngaohi ʻa e wudu pea fakahoko 2 rakats hili ia ʻoku ke fai ha tautapa ki he loto, kole ha mali ʻoku feʻú.

Fakapapauʻi ʻe tali ʻe Allah hoʻo duas, ʻi he ngaahi founga lelei taha:

“Lea ʻaki (kiate kinautolu, O Muhammad): Ko hai ʻokú ne foaki koe mei he langí mo e māmaní, pe Ko hai ʻoku fanongo mo mamata; pea ʻokú ne fokotuʻu ʻa e moʻuí mei he maté mo fokotuʻu ʻa e maté mei he moʻuí; mo e Tokotaha ʻokú ne tataki ʻa e kalasí? Te nau pehe: Allah. Hili ia pea ke pehe: He ʻikai nai ke ke tauhi ho fatongiá (kiate Ia) ?” [Qurʻan, 10.31]

ʻOku fakamanatu mai ʻe Allah:

“Pea ʻoku ʻi he langí ʻa hoʻo tokoní pea mo e meʻa ʻoku talaʻofa atu kiate koé;
Pea ʻi he ʻEiki ʻo e ngaahi langí mo e māmaní, ko e moʻoní ia, ʻo hange pe ko (ʻoku moʻoni) ʻoku ke lea.” [51.22-23]

Ko ia, hokohoko atu hono fai e ngaahi founga lelei taha, ʻi he falala kakato ki he Allah mo e ʻilo pau kapau te ke fai ʻa e meʻa kuo Ne kole atu, Te Ne foaki atu ʻa e meʻa kotoa pē ʻe lelei taha kiate koé, ʻi he moʻuí ni mo e moʻui ka hokó.

ʻOku talamai ʻe Allah:

“ʻOku palomesi atu ʻa e tevolo te ke fakaʻofa mo enjoins kiate koe lewdness. Ka ʻoku talaʻofa atu ʻe Allah te ke fakamolemoleʻi koe meiate Ia ʻi he lahi. ʻOku Allah ʻa e meʻa kotoa pe, ʻIloʻi kotoa pe.” [Qurʻan, 2.268]

“Pea mo e kakai tuí, kakai tangata mo fafine, ʻoku nau maluʻi e ngaahi kaungāmeʻá ʻiate kinautolu; ʻoku nau taʻofi ʻa e totonú pea taʻofi ʻa e fehālaakí, pea ʻoku nau fokotuʻu ʻa e lotu pea ʻoku nau totongi ʻa e masiva, pea ʻoku nau talangofua ki he ʻOtua mo ʻEne talafekau. Ko e meʻa ki he ngaahi, ʻE ʻaloʻofa ʻa Allah kiate kinautolu. ʻIloange! ʻOku malohi ʻa Allah, Fakapotopoto.

ʻOku talaʻofa ʻa Allah ki he kakai tuí, kakai tangata mo fafine, Ngoue ʻi lalo ʻa ia ʻoku tafe ai ʻa e vaitafe, ʻa ia te nau nofo ai – tāpuakiʻi e ngaahi nofoʻanga ʻi he Ngoue ko ʻĪtení. Pea – maʻongoʻonga ange (mamaʻo)! – tali mei Allah. Ko e ikuna taupotu tahá ia.” [Qurʻan, 9.71]

Pea faʻa kātaki. Ko e ʻOfaʻanga ʻo Allah (Allah tapuakiʻi ia & ʻoange kiate ia ʻa e melinó) fakamanatu mai kiate kimautolu ʻoku:

“ʻIkai ha tiredness, puke, faingataʻa, mamahi, fakatuʻutamaki pe mamahi ʻoku ne fakamamahiʻi ha Mosilemi, ʻo aʻu ki ha tolounua pricking ia, ʻo ʻikai Allah holoholoʻi ʻene ngaahi fehalaki ʻo fakafou ai.” [Lekooti ʻe Bukhari mo e Mosilemi, meia ʻApa Saʻid mo ʻApa Hurayra (Allah fiefia ʻiate kinautolu)]

Pea ʻoku ʻomi ʻe Allah toko taha pe ʻa e lavameʻa.

Tali ʻe Shaykh Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kawthari ʻo e lisi Hanafi fiqh.

Maʻuʻanga fakamatala :

63 Ngaahi Fakamatalá ko e Mole ʻa e ʻAmanaki Lelei ʻi hono Kumi ha Malí

  1. Maʻuʻanga Fakamatala

    —————-Tamaiki fefine———
    ———–ʻOku hange ia ha ʻapele——
    ——-ʻi he ʻuluʻakaú…. Ko e ngaahi meʻa lelei taha—–
    —–ʻoku nau ʻi he tumutumu ʻo e fuʻu ʻakau.—–
    —ʻOku ʻikai fie aʻu e tamaiki tangata—
    … –ki he kakai lelei koeʻuhi he naʻa nau–
    -r manavasiʻi naʻa to mo lavea.-
    -Ka, ʻoku nau maʻu ʻa e ʻapele pala-
    mei he kelekele ʻoku ʻikai ke lelei,
    ka ʻoku faingofua. Ko ia ʻoku fakakaukau ʻa e ʻapele ki ʻolunga
    ha meʻa ʻoku fehalaaki ʻiate kinautolu ʻi he taimi ʻoku
    -moʻoni ʻoku nau fakaofo. Naʻa nau–
    —fie maʻu ke tatali ki he tamasiʻi totonu ke
    —- haʻu, ʻa e tokotaha ʻoku-
    ———– loto-toʻa feʻunga ke—–
    —————kaka kotoa———
    —————he hala——
    ————–ki ʻolunga—-
    ————–ʻo e fuʻu ʻakaú —-

    ʻoua ʻe hohaʻa ..
    faʻa kātaki ..
    ʻOku ʻiate koe ʻa e allah….

    • Malo ʻaupito …Naʻe fakafiemalie ʻaupito ia ….ʻOku ou hoko foki ko ha muslimah ʻe taha ʻo 26 ngaahi taʻu, divorsed mo fekumi ki ha hoa feʻunga. ʻIkai lava ke maʻu ha meʻa mamaʻo talu mei 3 ngaahi taʻu. Inshallah. ʻE vave ni pe haʻaku ….

    • maysoon

      ʻOku ou ʻilo ʻoku fakatupu ʻita ʻaupito ʻa e foʻi maau ko ʻ. ʻOku ou ʻiloʻi ʻoku ou kau ki ha kau fafine maʻoniʻoni fakalotu tokolahi ne nau mali ʻi hono taʻu 18-25 pea ʻoku ʻikai ROTTEN. Pea maʻu ha ngaahi husepaniti fakalotu maʻoniʻoni. Ko e taha au ʻo e kau fafine monuʻia.

      Taimi lahi ange ʻoku ʻikai, ʻOku fuʻu fussy mo picky pe ngaue ʻa e fefine/tokoua kimuʻa pea toki fakakakato ʻenau deen. Ko ia, ʻoua naʻa ke fai ha ngaahi tukuakiʻi mo ha ngaahi fakamatala mo ha ngaahi maau ʻo pehe ko kinautolu ʻoku mali kei talavou ko e ʻapele pala. Ko e foʻi moʻoni ko ia ʻoku nau ʻuluaki fili pea ʻoku pala ʻa e niʻihi ʻoku toe.

      • @Maysoon! Pea kuo ke toki fakahaaʻi pe hoʻo fiemeʻa ʻaki haʻo pehe ko e niʻihi ʻoku toe ko e ngaahi meʻa ʻoku pala mo ui hoʻo moʻui “monuʻia” ʻo hange ko e niʻihi kehe kotoa pe ʻoku ʻikai mali ko ha kakai unlucky pea ʻoku nau fie maʻu ha fakaʻofaʻia?. ʻOku fonu hoʻo commentvis ʻi he hikisia! SubhanAllah! ʻOku ke fuʻu fonu ʻiate koe pe matuʻotuʻa ʻaupito!. ʻOku kehekehe e palani ʻa Allah ki he tokotaha kotoa pe, ʻOku ʻi ai ha niʻihi ʻoku nau mali vave pea mali ha niʻihi pea ʻikai! Ko e meʻa kotoa pe mei he tuʻutuʻuni mo e finangalo ʻo Allah pea ʻi he ngataʻanga ko e mali ʻoku ʻikai ko ha pale lavameʻa ia ʻo e moʻui, ko e meʻa ʻoku ʻai ʻe he kakai hange ko hoʻo mindsets ke, ʻo hange ko e taumuʻa pe ia ʻe taha ʻi LiFe! ʻA ia ʻoku ʻikai ke moʻoni!.

    • Solehah

      I, foki, ko ha Muslimah pe ʻe taha, taʻu motuʻá 25. Kuo teʻeki ai ke ʻi ai haku kaumeʻa tangata pea ʻoku ou ongoʻi taʻelata he taimi kotoa pe. ʻOku ou fakaʻamu ke langa ha famili ka ʻoku ou tui ʻoku teʻeki ai ke hoko hoku taimi. ʻOku ou loto mamahi mo taʻelata pea, ke faitotonu, ʻOku ʻikai ko e Muslimah fakalotu taha au. ʻOku ʻikai ke u tui ʻa e hijab pea ʻoku ʻikai ke u faʻa lotu ʻo hange ko ia ʻoku totonu ke u. Mahalo ko e ʻuhinga ia kuo teʻeki ai ke fakahoko ai ʻe Allah ʻeku fakaʻamu. ʻOku ʻi Hono toʻukupú kotoa. ʻOku ou feinga ke liliu ʻeku ngaahi founga, pea ʻoku ou ʻamanaki pē te u taha mo e tangata totonú.

  2. ʻalu ki he konga tatau pea ongoʻi lelei moʻoni hili hono lau ʻeni mo e tali ʻoku ha atu ʻi ʻolunga.

  3. Faisal

    Naʻa ku lau ha konga lahi ʻo e ngaahi tali fakaako ko ʻeni pea ko e meʻa tatau pe ia – maʻu ha tokoni mei he kolo. Ko e taimi kotoa pē ʻoku ou kole ai ki ha taha ke ne fakafeʻiloaki mai ha taha kiate au, ʻOku ou maʻu ʻa e tali ʻoku ou fuʻu kei siʻi ki he fatongia ʻo e malí. Naʻa ku loto ke u mali ʻi he 2 ki he 3 taʻu he taimi ni pea ʻoku ʻikai tokoniʻi au ʻe ha taha. Kuo u ʻahiʻahiʻi matrimonial ngaahi saiti – 6 ʻo kinautolu ke nau tonu – pea ko e toki ʻosi pe ia ʻa e mamahi. ʻOku ʻikai ke u tui ki he ngaahi meʻa taʻemaau ʻoku ʻi he taimi ko ia. Ko e lahi ange ʻeku lotú, Ko e lahi ange ʻeku fie mali pea ko e lahi ange ia ʻeku fokotuʻu ʻa e ngaahi pou ko ʻeni pea ʻikai maʻu ha tokoni. ʻIkai ke u fuʻu fakapapauʻi e meʻa ʻoku totonu ke u fai.

    • Maʻu ha tui ʻe hoku tokoua ʻi ha faʻahinga meʻa pe te ke fetaulaki mo ia, he ʻikai ke ke lavaʻi. Ko ʻene tui pe, ko e ha e meʻa ʻe. ʻOfa ke Allah fai ʻa e lelei taha maʻau pea fokotuʻu totonu hoʻo ngaahi ngaue, miniti ʻe.

  4. Assalamualikum wrb ki hoku ngaahi tokoua mo e tuofafine kotoa.
    Ko ha taʻahine Mosilemi au 24 taʻu, pea toki ʻosi pe ʻeku ako. Untill ne u ako kuo teʻeki ai ke u fakakaukau ki he mali mo e meʻa kotoa pe. Ka naʻe hohaʻa maʻu pe ʻeku ongomatuʻa. Hili ʻeku ako…Naʻe kamata ke u hohaʻa. Hange ko e loloa ʻo e taimi ke maʻu ai ʻa e hoa totonu mo e ala meʻa pehe. Pea ʻi ha ʻaho ʻe taha ne u maʻu ai ha propsal.. Naʻe ngali sai pe ʻa e meʻa kotoa ka ʻi he ngataʻanga naʻe kovi ʻa e reuslt ʻo Istikhara. Naʻe ʻai ʻe he meʻa ni ke u mamahi lahi…pea naʻá ku ongoʻi ʻo hangē ʻoku ʻikai ha ʻamanaki lelei he taimí ni. Kimuʻa pea u fuʻu bussy ʻi he ako ke fakamoleki ha kiʻi taimi ke fakaloloto ʻeku knowlegde faka-ʻIsilami. Ka ʻi he hili ʻeku lavea.. ʻOku maʻu ʻe hoku loto ha malolo ʻi he rememrence ʻo Allah. Naʻá ku lotu ʻ i he ʻ aho taki taha ki Allah.. ʻaki ʻa e loto fakamātoato, ʻi he taimi ʻe niʻihi naʻa ku tangi, ʻi he taimi ʻe niʻihi naʻa ku malimali. Pea naʻa mo 2 ʻosi atu ha ngaahi mahina pea u toe maʻu ha fokotuʻu ʻe taha. Pea ʻoku vave pe ʻa e mali ʻa Inshallah! Naʻa ku tui moʻoni ki Allah, pea ʻoku ou falala moʻoni ki Allah. Naʻe hange ʻeku ongoʻi…ko e ha e meʻa ʻoku hoko…Kapau ʻoku ʻiate au ʻa Allah te u lava ʻo fehangahangai mo ia kotoa. Pea vakai ki he taimi ni. Naʻe fanongo ʻ a Allah ki heʻeku ngaahi lotú pea tāpuakiʻi au ʻ aki ha hoa lelei. Ko e meʻa pe te u lava ʻo lea ʻaki ko hoʻo falala ki Allah…kole tokoni ki he Allah…pea te ke sio ki ai Inshallah.

    Walaikum ko salaam wrb

    • Masi ALLAH <3 fiefia moʻoni ke fanongo naʻa ke maʻu ha mali lelei. ʻOku ou ʻamanaki pe ʻoku ke maʻu ha moʻui maʻongoʻonga ʻi muʻa …. ameen fakakatoa ameen… manatuʻi kimautolu ʻi hoʻomou ngaahi lotú..

    • SUBHANAALLAH….. Naʻa ku lotu ki ALLAH 6 ngaahi taʻu ʻi heʻeku moʻui ki ha taha ʻoku ou saiʻia ʻaupito ai…….ka ʻi he ngataʻanga …. ʻoku ʻikai ngaohi kitautolu maʻá e niʻihi kehé…. ko e loto mafasia pe ʻo e 2 ngaahi mahina pea ʻoku ke maʻu ha tali mei ALLAH….. SUBHANAALLAH…. ka ke manatuʻi ʻoku ʻi ai ha tokolahi ʻoku lotu ka ʻoku ʻikai ke nau toe fai ha lotu mei he ngaahi taʻu….. ʻoku ʻikai tatau e ngaahi meʻá ki he taha kotoa……..

      • hokohoko atu hoʻo lotú.. insyaAllah ʻe foaki ʻe Allah ʻa e fiefia.. mahalo pē ʻoku ʻikai he taimí ni.. ka ʻi ha ʻaho ʻe taha…i know it is hurt to know that u and that person are not meant for each other but put your trust in Allah..well your story is just same with one of my bestfriend. she likes someone and did istikharah. then she got an answer from Allah that the person is not suitable for her. but remember Allah loves friend are now happily married with someone who loves her very much..Alhamdulillah..i hope u’ll found someone soon..insyaAllah..amin

    • abdillaah

      you have already wasted 7 precious years of of youth, tuofefine, may Allaah help you, good thing you’re getting married masha Allaah

      and ur parents deserve to be lashed, for they didnt even try to tell you and try to get you married when u turned 17.

  5. Assalaam Alaikum

    Whatever Happen happens for a reason just put your trust in Allah only we dont know what is best for us but He knows everything has its own time He knows what is suitable time for us but the main thing is that not losing hope from Allah at any cost Inshaa Allah Allah reward us for patience

  6. single muslimah

    i’m 33 and still not married, but i never lose hope in Allah
    don’t despair too much about your age and still unable to find a spouse
    Allah is the best Planner
    He knows when is the best time, just put trust in Him
    maybe you are destined to get a spouse in the hereafter, only Allah knows

    being unmarried does not mean that you can’t be a good muslimah
    after Allah marriage is only means, not the end
    ko ʻetau ngaahi ngataʻanga ko e kau Mosilemi ke maʻu ʻa e fiefia ʻa Allah
    tokanga taha ki ai, ʻOku lahi e ngaahi hala fakaʻofoʻofa ki ai
    ʻofa ke tapuakiʻi kitautolu kotoa ʻe Allah

  7. Salaam kotoa, kātaki ʻo ʻoua ʻe siva hoʻo ʻamanakí, ESP. ʻa e kau fafine ʻoku ou ʻiloʻi ʻa e ongo ʻoku mou maʻu kotoa. ʻoku tau 3 houʻeiki fafiné, vamamaʻo ʻo e taʻu kotoa, faʻe tautaha ʻa e matuʻa (ʻomi kimautolu mei he fanau iki ʻi he mavahe ʻa e tangataʻeiki) Naʻa ne fai ha ngaue ʻa e fab! ʻofa ʻiate ia ʻoku fuʻu kongokonga.
    hoku ngaahi tokoua mo au, fai kotoa ia ʻi he founga totonu, naʻa mau ako mālohi, nofo maʻu ʻi he teunga taau, fakaʻehiʻehi mei he ngaahi vā fetuʻutaki kimuʻa he malí mo e feohi fakakaungāmeʻa mo e fānau tangatá, ʻiloʻi ʻa e ʻIsilami fokotuʻu, tui hijab/lotu, maʻu ha ngaahi ngaue fakapalofesinale lelei ʻaupito, ngaahi kaa, ngaahi ʻaho malolo fakaʻofoʻofa, vā fetuʻutaki fakatokoua mālohí, ʻikai ha moʻua….ka ʻoku ʻikai ha mali.
    ppl thot ʻoku houngaʻia ʻeku faʻee shud ʻi ha taha ke ne ʻave hono ngaahi ʻofefine, tatau ai pe pe naʻa nau 20yrs motuʻa ange, ʻosi mali, fānau ʻe niʻihi, vete mali, mei he ʻ foki ki ʻapi’ kau kumi paasipooti kulokula naʻe ʻikai mahuʻinga ka naʻe pehe ʻe heʻeku faʻee ʻoku ʻikai lavaki hoku ngaahi ʻofefine pe ko ha kavenga. ka naʻe kei hoko pe ʻeku faʻee (pea naʻa mau kiʻi loto mafasia) ko e ha naʻe ʻikai ke hoko mai ai ha ngaahi fokotuʻu lelei…ko ha kau hikifonua taʻefakalao pe mo hoku taʻokete ʻi he taimi ko ia, 29 loto fiemalie ki ha mali mo ha tangata mei he ʻ ʻapi ʻi mui’ ʻi heʻene tatali fuoloa, Neongo ia naʻa ne fakakaukau ko ʻene pulu paʻanga, Naʻa ne manukiʻi ia ʻi he lilo, Naʻa ne manukiʻi ʻeku faʻee ki he niʻihi kehe pea naʻa mo e taimi naʻe kole ange ai ke ne lea ki heʻemau murubi fekauʻaki mo e mali counselling…. Naʻa ne fakamaaʻi ʻa e masiva! ko ia naʻe telefoni hoku tuofefine ki he walima ʻi ha uike b4. Hili ʻeni naʻe fuʻu loto mamahi ʻaupito ʻeku faʻee, mo e loto mafasia, naʻe loto mamahi hoku taʻokete…ka Alhamdullilah ʻi ha taʻu ʻe taha hoku tehina ʻi he 28 mali, pea ʻoku ou ʻi 29 mali 6 Hili ha ngaahi mahina mei heʻene. pea ʻoku ma fakatou maʻu he taimi ni ha fanga kiʻi pepe! kuo hoko hoku taʻokete he taimi ni 32 pea kuo ne feʻiloaki mo ha tuongaʻane fakaʻofoʻofa ʻoku 6yrs siʻisiʻi ange he taimi ko ia, toe foki fakaʻofoʻofa mo InshaAllah ʻoku mau ʻamanaki ʻe hoko ha ngaahi meʻa. kuo fakafeʻiloaki ia ki he fāmilí kotoa, pea ʻoku fakaʻofoʻofa. Ne u feʻiloaki mo hoku kiʻi tehina mo homa husepaniti ʻi he ngaahi feituʻu Mosilemi matrimonial, naʻe fuʻu fuoloa (ngaahi taʻu)! ka ʻoku ʻikai ha taha esp ʻe fai ʻe he kolo ko ʻeni ha meʻa maʻamautolu koeʻuhi ke mau fai ia ʻe kimautolu. Ne mau fetaulaki mo ha ppl ngali kehe kimuʻa pea mau fetaulaki mo homau husepaniti….pea ʻi he taimi naʻe hoko ai naʻe vave ʻene hoko ʻi hono ʻai ʻe Allah ke faingofua. (ʻio ko ha lotu mahuʻinga ʻaupito, fai ia ʻi he taimi kotoa pe!) Naʻe fetaulaki ʻa e tuongaʻane ko hoku tuofefine motuʻa 31yr mo ha matchmaker fakapalofesinale. InshaAllah ʻoua naʻa tukuange ʻa e ʻamanaki lelei, fai dua, ka ke tauhi ia ke moʻoni, ppl ʻoua naʻa ke tukituki maʻu pe ʻi ho matapaa…taimi ʻe niʻihi kuo pau ke ke tukituki ʻiate kinautolu. ʻOku kei ʻi ai pē hoku ngaahi kaungāmeʻa 28-38 ʻa ia ʻoku ʻikai mali ka ʻoku ou lotua ke maʻu ʻe Allah swt ha mali. Naʻe mali hoku kainga ʻi he taimi 1 ʻi he 41 pea naʻe ʻi ai haʻane kiʻi pepe tangata hili ha taʻu ʻe! ʻe lava ke hoko. tauhi ʻa e ʻamanaki leleí. tui ki Allah mo sabr ngaahi tokoua mo e tuofafine ʻofeina. MaʻSalamaa

    p. s ko hoʻo ʻ fie maʻu’ ʻe fakaʻauʻau hifo e lisí, ʻOku ʻafioʻi lelei taha kitautolu ʻe Allah, hotau husepaniti incl. ʻOku ngaue malohi ʻaupito ʻa e Misa Sateki ʻi he kahaʻu ʻi he lao, ʻikai ke ako, kau tangata ʻulungaanga lelei, pls ʻoua naʻa ke kumi Bros ʻoku nau fai pe ha ngaahi ngaue fakapalofesinale, Uni ako, matuʻa ʻoku ʻikai vete mali mo e ala meʻa pehe ʻo tatau ai pe kapau ʻoku lahi ange hoʻo ako fakalotu pea nau, te ke lava ʻo akoʻi kinautolu pea te nau akoʻi ʻa e ngaahi meʻa ʻoku ʻikai ke nau ʻilo. fakameʻapangoʻia ʻi he talanoa lahi. ko e fie maʻu pe ke ʻoatu kiate koe ʻa e ʻamanaki lelei kotoa!

    • Hopeful sister

      Your story soothes me beyond you can’t imagine. Malo ʻaupito. I’m 28 and approaching 29 soon. Alhamdulillah I’m happy with my education n professional career thus far, all thanks to Allah, I was given the will to study hard. Meʻapango, I’ve been lied by 2 married men. The first didn’t affect me as much as the second one as I was 23 at the time and I felt I was still young. Plus I was so into my masters study so I quickly pick myself up and focus on studies. The second was the hardest because I can’t believe it’s happening again because I was very careful this time as I’ve had the experience of being lied to before. I didn’t date as I was trying to avoid haram relationship but got to know each other via email and texting. As soon as I finished study, I’ve met his mother and he met my family, things looked so well, until my mother found out that he’s married. I have no idea what to feel having this the second time that I thought it might be that this is what’s planned for me and I’m ready to be a second wife especially that first wife agreed. Plus I’m a very independent woman with stable career. But things didn’t turn out good as my family rejected him and the wife. The wife got angry with my family and things turned out bad.

      It’s been 3 ngaahi taʻu ʻo ʻeku lotu mo lotu mo tangi ʻo kole tokoni ʻa Allah ʻi ha faʻahinga meʻa pe ʻoku Ne fili maʻaku. Ka alhamdulillah ʻi he ngaahi 3 ngaahi taʻu lahi kuo u aʻusia ai ha ngaahi meʻa lahi ne u fie maʻu maʻu pe ke aʻusia. ʻOku ou fiefia ʻaupito ʻi hono fakamoleki ha taimi ki ha ʻofa faka-Kalaisi ʻoku ou ʻiloʻi te u fuʻu femoʻuekina ke fai kapau te u mali. Kuo aʻusia ʻe Alhamdulillah ʻa e organisation ha meʻa lahi. Ka ko e moʻoni ʻoku fakamamahi ke fakakaukau ʻoku ʻikai pe ke u lava ʻo maʻu ha mali. ʻOku ou fiefia he lolotonga ʻo e ngaahi ʻaho lahi ka ko Allah pe ʻoku ne ʻiloʻi hoku loʻimata ʻi heʻeku lotu takitaha. Kuó u foaki tokotaha pē ʻeku falala kiate Iá pea feinga ke u hoko ko ha kau mosilemi lelei ange ʻi he ʻaho takitaha pea ʻoua naʻá ku ʻita. Naʻe pehe ʻe ha kakai ʻe niʻihi heni naʻa nau tatali ʻi ha ngaahi mahina, Naʻa ku tatali 3 ngaahi taʻu mo e kei lau. Pea ko Allah pe ʻoku ne ʻafioʻi ʻa e founga ʻoku ou falala ai ki Heʻene tokoni.

      Kataki ʻi he fuʻu pou loloa.

  8. Salaam ki he ngaahi tokoua mo e tuofafine kotoa pe. Alhamdulilah…ʻo hange ko ʻeku tohi kimuʻa…ʻOku ou fakamalo lahi Allah ʻi hono tapuakiʻi au ʻaki ha mali fakaʻofoʻofa. Te u lotua hoku ngaahi tokoua mo e tuofafine Mosilemi kotoa pe ke maʻu ʻa e tapuaki maʻongoʻonga ko ʻeni. Inshallah, ʻoku mou maʻu kotoa ho ngaahi mali maʻoniʻoni…maʻu pe ʻa e faʻa kataki mo e falala ki Allah…pea te ke experince ia ʻe koe. ʻOku ou ʻilo ʻoku faingataʻa he taimi ʻe niʻihi. koeʻuhi he ʻoku lotu ha ngaahi tokoua mo e tuofafine ʻe niʻihi ʻi ha ngaahi taʻu…ka ʻoku kei Sio pe Allah ki he loto…pea kapau ʻoku maʻa ʻa ho lotó, pea ʻoku ke falala ki Allah.. pea ʻe fanongo leva ʻa Allah ki hoʻo ngaahi lotu Inshallah. Ko Allah ʻa e maʻongoʻonga taha pea ʻoku ʻikai ha meʻa Allah ʻe lava ke fai…ko ia, faʻa kātaki.. ʻE fakaava ʻe Allah ha ngaahi founga maʻau. Te ke lava ʻo fai ho lelei tahá ʻi hoʻo tafaʻaki pē ʻaʻaú ke fakahā ki ha taha.,.. ʻi he kolo. mosqs.. mo e ala meʻa pehē., pea tuku leva ʻa e toenga ki Allah..

  9. Naʻe ngalo ke u lave 1 meʻa…kuo pau ke ke lotu fakaʻaho. hili e namaaz takitaha. Kole ki Allah ki ha mali ʻoku maʻoniʻoni. Pea ʻi he taimi ʻe niʻihi ʻoku ke saiʻia ai sombody ʻoua te ke lotu ki Allah.. ke fakaʻamu ʻe lava ʻe Allah ʻo foaki kiate koe ha taha pau. Ka ke kole maʻu pe Allah ke tapuakiʻi ʻaki ha mali, ʻa ia naʻe ngaohi ʻe Allah maʻau, pea kole kia Allah tapuakiʻi au ʻaki ha mali fakaʻofoʻofa. kuo pau ke ke kole Kia Allah mei he takele ʻo ho loto, kuo pau ke ne ongoʻi hange ʻoku fanongo atu ʻa Allah kiate koe pea ʻe tapuakiʻi koe ʻe Allah ʻaki ia. Inshallah te ke sio. Pea ʻoku ʻi ai ha waeefah lelei.. ʻa ia naʻa ku fai…pea naʻe tokoni moʻoni ia:
    hili ʻa Ishah namaaz, lotu 500 taimi ʻe niʻihi ʻoku ʻikai ke ʻi ai ha meʻa ʻoku ʻikai ke ʻi ai ha meʻ (fakataha.. ko ia ʻe lau ʻeni ko 1)..pea kimuʻa mo e hili ʻa e wazeefa ko ʻeni 3 taimi durood (ʻe lava pe ke kiʻi nounou). Fai ʻeni hili Isha namaaz…pea hokohoko atu maʻu ai pē…Inshallah te mou mamata kotoa ki he malohi ko ʻeni.

    Walaikum ko Salaam WRB

  10. Kuo u vete mali, ʻOku ʻi ai hoku ʻofefine pea kuo u fekumi ki ha spouce talu mei 7 ngaahi taʻu, ka wothout ngaahi ola. ʻikai ha ʻamanaki ʻe helaʻia ʻi he taʻelatá. ʻOku ou fie mate ʻi he po kotoa pe mei he taʻelata, Naʻa ku feinga ke fakafiemalieʻi au, lotu Allah, ka ʻoku ʻikai ke u ʻiloʻi e meʻa ke fai ke maʻu ai haku malí ʻo aʻu ki he taimí ni.

    • Maʻuʻanga Fakamatala

      AssalaamuAlaikum .
      fakameʻapangoʻia ke distrub u .
      ka te u lava nai ʻo ʻiloʻi ʻa e fonua ʻoku ke haʻu mei ai …

    • Siʻi tuofefine siʻi, ʻofa ke tapuakiʻi koe ʻe Allah ʻaki ʻa e husepaniti fakaʻofoʻofa taha ʻi he moʻui ni pea mo e inshallah hono hoko. Kapau ʻe kamata ke mole hoʻo ʻamanaki lelei pea kamata ke ke fifili pe ʻoku ʻi fe Allah, manatuʻi ʻoku fakalongolongo maʻu pē ʻa e faiakó lolotonga ha sivi <3 ʻOku ʻiate kimoutolu siʻi tuofefine ʻofeina ʻa ʻeku ngaahi fakakaukaú mo e lotú <3 <3

  11. Salam, ‎​i stumbled on this page the morning after ‎​i had a good cry. ‎​i have met someone n have started talking about marriage when suddenly, things just seem to be gng downhill. Am also 30 gng on 31. Am desperate to settle. Sometimes its easier to loose hope, but that’s dangerous. My dear sistas, no matter how difficult things may seem, there’s always light at ð end of the tunnel. Allah listens, as long as u bliv in Him and continue to pray to Him. Our prayers of finding the ryt spouse mayb answered now or later. The impt thing is to continue to bliv u wld find him. In the meantym, get urself ready. Go for that cooking lesson uv always wanted, join Qur’an circles to learn abt ur duty as a wife n mother. Do something, n he will be there bfr u knw it إن شاء الله .

  12. Salaam sis. try to inform ur relatives or someone ur close with that ur looking for a partner to marryuse ur social network. (also in community, mosqs, or elders, fāmilí, etcs.) Then also continue to pray to Allahand Allah will make a way out for u. If ur try this, Allah will help u and lead u towards ur destined partner. Inshallah 🙂
    Remember when ur aloneAllah is alwayz with dont feel sad and depressed..put ur trust in Allah and leave everything to Allah 😉
    And wipe ur tears and remember to keep sure u have a beautiful smile 🙂

  13. ʻAasí

    Don’t despair…. Keep looking, keep praying. I found my soulmate at age 36. Pea 3 ngaahi taʻu ʻi heʻeku kei fakamalo allah fakaʻaho ʻi hono ʻomi kiate au ha husepaniti lelei pehe. Naʻe mahuʻinga ʻa e tatali.

  14. Kulupu Salafi

    Ko ʻeku fehuʻi ʻoku fekauʻaki ia mo e lotu ki allah ki ha fie maʻu. ʻOku ou ʻilo ʻoku ui ia ko satatul hajah. Ko e hā hono tuʻo lahi ʻo e lotu ʻa ha taha pea mo e taimi ʻoku totonu ke lotu aí. ʻOku totonu nai ke lotua ia ʻi he ngaahi taimi ʻoku ngalingali ʻe tali ai ʻa e duaas

    Fakafetaʻi ki ʻAllaah.

    ʻOku tuʻutuʻuni ke hu ʻa e kau Mosilemi kia ʻAlaia ʻi he ngaahi founga kuo Ne tuku mai ʻi Heʻene Tohi, pea ʻi he ngaahi founga kuo fakamoʻoniʻi mei he Palōfitá (ke ʻiate ia ʻa e melinó mo e ngaahi tāpuaki ʻa ʻIsaahá). Ko e tefitoʻi moʻoni fekauʻaki mo e ngaahi meʻa fekauʻaki mo e lotu ko e tawqeef [i.e., muimui ki he meʻa ʻoku ʻi he Qurʻaan mo e saheeh Sunnah; ʻikai ha feituʻu ki he fakakaukau fakafoʻituituí]. Pea he ʻikai ke tau lava ʻo pehe ʻoku ʻi ai ha faʻahinga ngaue ʻo e lotu ʻoku fai kae ʻoua kuo ʻi ai ha fakamoʻoni.

    The so-called Salaat al-Haajah was narrated in da’eef (weak) or munkar (denounced) ahaadeeth – as far as we know – which cannot be used as proof and which are not fit to base acts of worship on.

    Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 8/162

    The hadeeth narrated concerning Salaat al-Haajah says:

    “From ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Abi Awfa al-Aslami, ʻa ia naʻa ne pehe: Ko e Talafekau ʻa ʻAliaá (ke ʻiate ia ʻa e melinó mo e ngaahi tāpuaki ʻa ʻIsaahá) came out to us and said: ‘Whoever has need of something from Allaah or any one of His creation, let him do wudoo’ and pray two rak’ahs, then let him say, “There is no god but Allaah, the Forbearing, the Most Generous. Glory be to Allaah, Lord of the mighty Throne. Praise be to Allaah the Lord of the Worlds. ʻE Allaah, I ask You for Your mercy and forgiveness and I ask You for all good things and for safety from all sins. ʻOku ou kole atu ke ʻoua naʻá ke tuku ha angahala taʻe fakamolemoleʻi, pe ha faʻahinga faingataʻaʻia taʻe te ne fakafiemālieʻi ia, pe ha faʻahinga fie maʻu ʻoku fakahōifua kiate Koe ke ke fakahoko kae ʻikai fakahoko ia maʻaku." Pea tuku ke ne kole kia ʻAlaia ʻi ha faʻahinga meʻa pē ʻo e māmaní pe ko e hili ʻa e moʻui ní ʻa ia ʻokú ne fakaʻamu ki aí, he ʻe fakahoko ia."

    (Fakamatalaʻi ʻe Ibn Maajah, Iqaamat Al-Salaah waʻl-Sunnah, 1374)

    Naʻe pehe ʻe ʻAlo-Tirmdihi: ko ha ghareeb ʻeni [ngali kehe] Maʻuʻanga Fakamatala, pea ko e meʻa ki hono isnaad naʻe pehe: Faaʻid ibn ʻ ʻoku vaivai ʻa ʻApikale d Al-Rahmaan ʻi he hadeeth.

    Naʻe pehe ʻe ʻAlo-Albaani: ka ko daʻeef jiddan (fuʻu vaivai ʻaupito). Naʻe pehe ʻe ʻAlo-Haakim: mawdoo ʻ (Maʻuʻanga Fakamatala) Naʻe fakamatalaʻi ʻa e ahaadeeth meia ʻApa Awfa.

    Mishkaat Al-Masaabeeh, vol. 1, p. 417

    Naʻe pehe ʻe he tokotaha naʻa ne faʻu ʻa ʻAlo-Sunan waʻl-Mubtadaʻaat, Hili hono talaatu e meʻa naʻe lea ʻaki ʻe ʻAlo-Tirmidhi fekauʻaki mo Faaʻid ibn ʻ Abd Al-Rahmaan: Ahmad said he is matrook (left, i.e., his hadeeth is not to be accepted), and Ibn al-‘Arabi described him as da’eef (weak).

    And he said: You know what is said concerning this hadeeth. It is better and more perfect and safer for you to make du’aa’ to Allaah in the depths of the night and between the adhaan and iqaamah and at the end of every prayer before the tasleem; and on Fridays, for then there are times when du’aa’ is answered; and when breaking one’s fast. For your Lord says (interpretation of the meanings):

    ‘Invoke Me [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islamic Monotheism) and ask Me for anything] I will respond to your (invocation)'[Fussilat 40:60]

    ‘And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad) ʻo kau kiate Au, pea (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). ʻOku ou tali ki he ngaahi lotu ʻa e supplicant ʻi he taimi ʻoku ne ui mai ai kiate au (ʻikai ha fakalaloa pe taukapo)'[Al-Baqarah 2:186]

    ʻPea (kotoa) Ko e ngaahi hingoa fakaʻofoʻofa taha ʻoku kau ki Allaah, ko ia, ui kiate Ia ʻ[Al-Aʻraaf 7:180]."Al-Sunan waʻl-Mubtadaʻaat ʻe Al-Shuqayri, p. 124

    ʻIsilami fokotuʻu Q&A
    Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

  15. ʻIsilami fokotuʻu Q

    i’m lil upset tht still i haven’t found my expected person to get , i’m really determinded to marry a good personplz everyone pray for me as ALLAH swt helps me find a good girl as my wife as well as my best friend….

  16. ʻAnitilia

    Umi just want to remind you that Allah knows best, and maybe you want a thing for yourself but it isn’t good now and will be good later. I read the other days a beautiful story which i will tell you now, to chear you up: 2 Naʻe haʻu ʻa e kau kole ki ha fale ʻe taha ʻo kole ha meʻakai. Naʻe foaki ki ha taha ha foʻi ma pea fekauʻi atu. Naʻe kep ʻa e taha ʻi he matapaa ʻi ha taimi loloa, ko ia naʻe kamata ke ne fifili ʻ ko e ha e meʻa ʻoku fehalaaki ʻiate au he ʻikai ke nau ʻomi ha meʻa kiate au, lolotonga hono toe ʻilo ʻe hoku tuongaʻane ha meʻa?’ Naʻá ne ongoʻi loto mamahi, ka naʻe ʻikai ke ne ʻiloʻi naʻe ʻi ai ha foʻi ma foʻou ʻi he loto fale naʻe taʻo maʻana.
    Ko ia ʻoku ke sio, tuongaʻane, ʻoua naʻa tuku hoʻo tuí, ʻi he tafaʻaki ʻe tahá, ʻiloʻi ʻe ʻomi ʻe he faʻa kataki mo e tui ʻa e ngaahi meʻaʻofa 🙂 lelei taha kiate koe, kataki, pea ʻoua naʻa ke ongoʻi loto mamahi pe dissapoited. ʻOfa ke tāpuakiʻi koe mo ho fāmilí ʻe ʻĀlesi.

  17. ʻAtama


    Tautau ai ʻoku ou ʻiloʻi ʻa e ongo ʻoku mou maʻu kotoa 21 wanted to get married for a few years now Alhumdulilah my parents have accepted im ready I’m struggling as girls tend to want to get married when they are older and as soon as they see my age presume in too young when mentally in much older :L

  18. abdillaah

    this ummah needs a major cleanup. period.

    too much scum.

    especially the generation whose parents served the white man, i.e colonial imperialists. ʻuhinga, “our parents generation

    also, coconut chocolate muslims, who seek izzah from kuffaar, by speaking what pleases the kuffaar.

    worshippers of the whitehouse (the saudis), who are helping kuffaar wage war on muslims and people like them elsewhere.

    in Quran Allaah swt said, which means, if youallyyourself with kuffaar, you become one of them.

    yeh anyways, all the scum will eventually die out, and mahdi is near insha Allaah, ʻi he taimi ʻoku mole ai ʻa e scum, ʻe fakapapauʻi ʻe he emirate faka-ʻIsilami ʻoku ʻikai ke toe ʻi ai ha fefine ʻoku teʻeki mali Tasa Allaah

    tatau ai pe pe ko e ha hoʻo meʻa ʻoku fai , ʻe he kakai Mosilemi, tatau ai pe pe ko e ha hoʻo fakakaukau, ʻOku ʻikai feʻunga ʻa e scum ʻo e ummah ko ʻeni ke taki ʻa e ummah.

  19. Salimot

    Ko hoku Misa Sateki., toʻo tins faingofua pe hoʻo lotu, NAʻE aʻusia ʻe av ha meʻa pehe ʻi heʻeku moʻui n Allah totongi au ki ha taha naʻa ku akoʻi, ʻOku fekauʻi mai ʻa e tangata Allah, ʻamanaki lelei pe ʻi Allah n ʻe lelei ʻa e meʻa kotoa pe

  20. ʻOku ʻikai ui ia ki he. ʻOku ʻi ai e fatongia ʻo e mātuʻá ke faleʻi, ka ʻoku totonu ke mali ha fefine ʻi he taimi ʻoku totonu ai kiate ia. ʻAlu ʻo lau ha ngaahi meʻa fekauʻaki mo e kaveinga.

  21. Abdillah, ʻOku ʻi ai moʻoni ha meʻa ʻoku fehalaaki ʻi hoʻo fakakaukau. ʻAtama, ʻOku ou vahevahe hoʻo mamahi – ko e meʻa tatau pē kiate au – ʻoku ou 24 next month and have had the same experience. Half our Deen is just like the other Muslim Matrimonial Sitesthey don’t workperiod. I have used that website and 5 others and still have nobody.

  22. Faisal

    Brother Mohammadthat is one of the 6 sites that I have usedit doesn’t work. Women just want moneythat’s it.

  23. ʻoku ou 21 years old in usa. I am looking to get married but it is too hard to find someone. Everyone is trying to find someone better so they dont followup after sending interests.
    it is very stressful sometimes. But inshaAllah everything will fall in place. Patience is needed as well as prayer.

  24. Muslimah

    I’m 23 years old and went through a bad break up…..I had signed my marriage license to a second cousin from back home……thought he was the one and all he wanted was the citizenship……He left me because I didn’t have the financial means to bring him even though we discussed things before we signed the marriage license and I was supposed to go to the Arab country he works in……My father wants me to marry someone from back home and I just can’t do the long distance relationship again and I don’t trust any guy from over there because I think they all want my citizenship…….I wanna meet a guy from here just so I don’t have to deal with the thought of him just wanting to use me and because I can’t deal with the distance……

    I’m very open minded and don’t care where the guy is from I just care about his deen and kholoq and I don’t care about the money because money comes and goes…….the problem is my father won’t even consider if the guy is not from the same country which makes me very upset……make duaa for me please

    • Yusuf Idris

      Asalaam Alaykum. kataki, make Dua and move very close to Al-Sunnah sisters and read the books of Al-Sunnah Schoolars to help you strengthing your faith. Pea, about your parents, try and talk to them in gentle manner. Let them understand why Islam permit inter tribal marriage. Show to them proves from the Quran and Sunnah. kataki, be patient in all your approach, though not easy but try. May ALLAAH make your affairs easy. Ameen. Asalaam Alaykum.

  25. .I am as well a single Muslim of 29 ngaahi taʻu, divorced and searching for suitable partner. Couldn’t find any so far since 10 ngaahi taʻu. Inshallah ..I will soon ….

  26. May alaah help all the muslims who want to get married and give them rightous spouses just keep making duas alaah surely hears and will defenately answer your call.

  27. Yusuf Idris

    May ALLAAH make our affairs easy and forgive all the Muslims. Aameen. We Muslims should go back to the foundation of the DEEN. The salafs used to help themselves in all aspects of the DEEN. Hangē ko ʻení, Abu Bakr married Aisha to Prophet MUHAMMAD [MAMATA]. The prophet marries her daughter to Alli and so on. ʻI he ʻAho ni, we no longer help ourselves in getting married. Even some of our parents dont help matters. They believe woman cannot combined education with marriage, Some dont want their daughters to marry another man from another tribes, Some dont believe in polygamy marriage and so on. ʻUhinga? Because they lack the foundation of the DEEN and the understanding of the DEEN. Islam gives solutions to all human problems. I advised those who are concerned to make Dua to ALLAAH, be sincere in there Worship and make their affairs none to the trustworthy imaams in there community. And ALLAAH knows best.

  28. I came across this page when I waspure matrimoniesfb page and its pretty disappointing to see how many ppl are looking to get married, but this has become so hard these days.

    ʻoku ou 27 taʻu yrs, vete mali, and have been trying to meet someone for the past 10 yrs. Its hard and yes its harder to see other ppl around u who are married or have gotten to it easily. A lot of times ppl look down upon divorced grls especially if there from South east asian background. And nowadays, I feel like a person is not looked at for there character, personality, or heart, its more like so whats ur social status? marital status? how rich u r? and etcIslam simplifies things unfortunately its us muslims from this day and age that have complicated things.

    Theres days I feel hopeless, and I dont like wen ppl ask me wen I will get married cuz honestly sumtimes I feel like its becme impossible especially knowing that Im divorced and come from a middle class family :-/

    So yes, here I am in the same boat as many of u and still waiting and wandering who Allah has for me. I do have faith but theres times wen I wish I was never nikaahed before so I wudnt have to be looked down upon, and maybe someone wud actually marry a grl who wassingle.

    May Allah make things easy for all of us and grant our wishes Ameen.

    • Siʻi tuofefine,

      I feel compelled to reply to your post, as if you feel that way with you being a divorcee aged 27, ʻe, I am also a divorcee of south east asian origin,
      ʻoku ou 34 and additionally, have a 6 year old child, basically I am a single mother.

      Ko ia, I hope by telling you this, you don’t feel so bad about yourself,
      If you look at it that way, then your position is better off than me.

      I admit there are times when I feel saddened and kinda doubtful about my future of having a husband again, a complete family again..

      I feel lonely whether when I am by myself or even when my daughter is with me. When I bring my daughter to playground or malls where there are other parents and their children, I feel like I am the ‘odd one out’. Other moms with their kids, AND with their husbands too. Me? Sai, anywhere I go it’s just me and my daughter.. Honestly, seeing the women in tow with their children And husband, made me feel weird about myself.
      Maybe Slightly depressed too.haha

      Ko ia, overall, tuofefine, don’t feel too bad.. there are sisters out there who are in ‘worse situationthan you.. like myself for example. 🙂

      P/s: I’m in pretty cheerful mood, so excuse my ‘smileyat the end of my long narration.. 🙂

  29. Salam, im diep in sorrow, im second time divorce have 3 fanau, can you give me a dua to find a good spouse,

  30. Very sad to read this messages.. I know it’s very hard. I have met like 3 brothers, but it didn’t work out. And yes, I see people too around me getting married and pregnant and there you have me.. Still single.. I have hope and trust in Allah, but at times I find it very hard too. I pray that Allah grants everyone who wants to marry so badly, to grant them a husband/wife they want and ofcourse someone who is pious. Manatuʻi, nothing is impossible for Allah.

  31. I too am in exact same situation. And I completely know how this person is feeling. I pray Allah makes it easy for us all who are finding it soo difficult in seeking marriage. But keep faith for Allah rewards those who bear with patience. You duas will be answered soon In Shaa Allah

  32. john doe

    I too is in this same position, when ever i thought i finally meet the one whom i will be destine to be with, in the end i feel disappointment because it didnt work out. i’ve been in two relationships both relationships didnt end well because it just didnt work out. even though the two relationships lasted about 3 years each.
    i’am so tired of being alone, iam so tired of looking for her(my better half) the one whom i will spend my life with. Theres this emptiness I feel the hole in my heart. i asked Allah swt in my prayers pls let me finally be with the one whom iam going to be with the rest of my life with, but everytime i come out empty.
    Sometimes i console my self iam destine to be alone, is this what Allah has written for me.

    • ʻIo, loneliness brings about the feeling of some sort of emptiness like a hole in our heart..

      And prolonged loneliness makes us try to console ourselves by telling ourselves, probably we are not meant to be with anyone in this lifetime..

      Because keeping hope and waiting needs strength.. Strength to bear patience. And patience is endurance to bear pain..

  33. Hoorayn

    Im also want to find a husband to marry. Im 27yrs old now and still not married and its worried me. My family and friends all coconuts thats why i cant trust them to seek husband for me. Im from south east too. Im not working rightnow and dont have any money. I stay at home rightnow because i was ex aseer.. My mother dont like me at home. I want to find job but all job not sharia compliance. I really want a husband that have right aqeeda and same manhaj with me. Im not good at english but inshaAllah i can understand well.

Tuku atu ha Tali

He ʻikai pulusi ho tuʻasila ʻīmeilí. ʻOku fakaʻilongaʻi ʻa e ngaahi konga (field) ʻoku *


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