Isigaba "Ithiphu Yesonto"


Ithiphu Yesonto – # 2

Umshado Omsulwa | | 0 Amazwana

7 signs to look for to Stay Positive There comes a time in every believer’s life when they feel like nothing is going in the right direction. Everything seems to...



Umshado Omsulwa | | 0 Amazwana

How To Rejuvenate Your Faith In This Pandemic!   Everyone around the world is going through a tough time dealing with this pandemic and the aura of anxiety and hopelessness...

Ithiphu Yesonto

Ungathuki Noma Uhlukumeze Abanye

Umshado Omsulwa | | 0 Amazwana

A person can say anything when they are angrywithout truly understanding the consequences of their actions. This includes cursing, swearing, verbally abusing and slandering or backbiting others out...

Ithiphu Yesonto

Izenzo Nezinjongo

Umshado Omsulwa | | 2 Amazwana

Allah SWT will reward a person for what they intend and what they act upon. In the following hadith, uMprofethi (izibusiso nokuthula kukaAllah kube kuye) kusho:...

Ithiphu Yesonto

7 I-Sunnans ye-Eid

Umshado Omsulwa | | 0 Amazwana

Many of you know the most famous sunnans of Eid which Imâm Sa’îd b. Al-Musayyib – Allâh have mercy on him – said: The Sunnah of Al-Fitr consists of three things:...

Ithiphu Yesonto

Gcina Izithembiso Zakho

Umshado Omsulwa | | 0 Amazwana

We all know the well-known hadith about taking advantage of 5 things: Wathi uMprofethi SAW: ”Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth before you become old; your...

Ithiphu Yesonto

OThandeka Kakhulu Ku Allah

Umshado Omsulwa | | 0 Amazwana

Ibn Umar reported: Two men came to the Messenger of Allah, ukuthula nezibusiso makube kuye, and they said, “O, isithunywa sikaAllah, which of the people are most...