
We need your help

Pure Matrimony | | 8 Comments

Dear Brothers and Sisters we need your help? Narrated Abu Musa (ra): The Messenger of Allah (sa) said: “The believers are like a structure, each supporting the other.” [Sahih Muslim, Book...


Raising Righteous Children

Pure Matrimony | | 13 Comments

Raising and educating children is one of the duties required of parents. Allaah has enjoined that in the Qur’aan, and the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)...


Raising children in non-Muslim societies

Pure Matrimony | | 3 Comments

Raising children in an Islamic way in a non-Muslim society needs everyone’s effort with no exception, starting with the parents’ efforts, to the Masjid’s, to the community’s efforts. All of these...


60 Ways To Keep Your Wife’s Love

Pure Matrimony | | 59 Comments

1. Make her feel secure. Allow her to feel the sakeena. 2. Greet her with “As-salaamu-alaikum wa rahmatullah” – this will keep the shaytan out of your home 3. Know...


AlKauthar Institute students

Pure Matrimony | | 4 Comments

In the past the students of knowledge would travel far and wide to acquire knowledge about this beautiful religion of ours.  They would travel through deserts and some of the...


Establishing a Purely Islamic Home

Pure Matrimony | | 11 Comments

“And Allah has made for you from your homes a place of rest” [Soorah an-Nahl (24): 80] Allah mentions His complete favor upon His slaves from what He has created...


Teaching Islam to our Children

Pure Matrimony | | 1 Comment

Islam teaches us different ways to attain success. One best way is to seek Islamic knowledge based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah. We need to spend time, money, efforts,...